ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1532 08/03/14 00:22 to 08/03/14 05:00 4:38 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and I slept through most of the night without waking up. This morning I woke from a dream about 10 minutes before the alarm was due to go off and then dozed until it went off.

1531 07/03/14 12:05 to 07/03/14 14:06 2:01 I slept well
1530 06/03/14 23:49 to 07/03/14 05:00 5:11 I slept well
1529 06/03/14 11:50 to 06/03/14 14:20 2:29 I slept well
1528 06/03/14 00:29 to 06/03/14 05:00 4:31 I slept well
1527 05/03/14 12:28 to 05/03/14 14:22 1:53 I slept well
1526 04/03/14 23:52 to 05/03/14 05:00 5:08 I slept well
1525 04/03/14 12:11 to 04/03/14 14:04 1:53 I slept well
1524 04/03/14 00:11 to 04/03/14 05:00 4:49 I slept well
1523 03/03/14 23:45 to 04/03/14 00:11 0:25 I didn't sleep at all
1522 03/03/14 12:35 to 03/03/14 14:29 1:53 I slept well
1521 02/03/14 23:52 to 03/03/14 05:00 5:08 I slept well
1520 02/03/14 11:59 to 02/03/14 14:11 2:12 I slept well
1519 02/03/14 01:07 to 02/03/14 05:00 3:53 I slept well
1518 01/03/14 12:24 to 01/03/14 15:30 3:05 I slept well
1517 01/03/14 00:03 to 01/03/14 05:00 4:57 I slept well
1516 28/02/14 12:31 to 28/02/14 14:30 1:58 I slept well
1515 27/02/14 23:45 to 28/02/14 05:00 5:15 I slept well
1514 27/02/14 12:18 to 27/02/14 14:07 1:49 I slept well
1512 26/02/14 23:16 to 27/02/14 05:00 5:44 I slept well