Displaying dreams 21 to 24 of 24
dream Dream: Tuesday 07 February 2006 08:00

Dad's Metallica Concert

Tags: Dad

I didn't bother to write this dream down when I woke up. It was very obscure and involved my dad organising some kind of Metallica concert on the side of a mountain in Spain.

dream Dream: Friday 03 February 2006 08:00


Tags: Bob Cif Dad Sue Yu Lee

This dream is hidden. Some dreams are personal. Some dreams are not suitable for everyone to read. And sometimes the author just doesn't want his mum to read them!

dream Dream: Monday 23 January 2006 08:00


Tags: Bob Dad Yu Lee
Semi-Lucid Dream (L1)

I had a dream about going to see my dad in Spain.

Me, Bob and Yu Lee were there. We chilled and had a few beers, and then drove to a bar. Dad was driving really fast and at one point he was talking and not really paying attention to the road. We nearly went straight into the back of a white van, but I screamed and he put his foot on the break.

He said it was hard to concentrate when he'd been drinking.

After a drink it was time to go home. Dad took us outside.

Outside, the bar looked more like a mansion. It had a huge metal gate with chains on it. I seem to remember me and Bob being at the gate before and having to find a different way in - although I don't really know how that fits into the dream.

This time I put my hand through the gate and opened it. It seems the chains were for show and weren't actually locking it.

Dad said goodbye and me and Bob left.

I distinctly remember walking and talking for a few seconds, and then telling Bob to stop and think where we were supposed to go because we were going the wrong way.

Spain didn't look like Spain: it had lots of English pubs.

Next is where it got strange. I noticed it wasn't very realistic, started to become lucid and lost it in a second. The graphics went all pixelated and faded out.

Next thing I knew I was telling Bob that I became lucid because the streets had a repetitive, randomly generated feel. I got the impression I had seen this dream on a computer monitor like it was a computer game or something.

Then I woke up.

dream Dream: Tuesday 18 January 2000 08:00

Year 9 Dream Diary - Dream 1

Tags: Bob Dad

Me and Robert (my brother) are round my dad’s house for the day. Robert wants to make a phone call, but his battery on his phone is flat so he asks to use my dad's. My dad agrees to this so Robert uses his phone. When he finishes the call, he’s in a bad mood, and wants to annoy my dad, so he purposefully drops the phone on the floor breaking it. My dad’s response to this is to beat him up, punching him round the head until he falls down, unconscious.

(note : this is weird because my dad’s never hit either of us in real life.)