I had a dream about going to see my dad in Spain.
Me, Bob and Yu Lee were there. We chilled and had a few beers, and then drove to a bar. Dad was driving really fast and at one point he was talking and not really paying attention to the road. We nearly went straight into the back of a white van, but I screamed and he put his foot on the break.
He said it was hard to concentrate when he'd been drinking.
After a drink it was time to go home. Dad took us outside.
Outside, the bar looked more like a mansion. It had a huge metal gate with chains on it. I seem to remember me and Bob being at the gate before and having to find a different way in - although I don't really know how that fits into the dream.
This time I put my hand through the gate and opened it. It seems the chains were for show and weren't actually locking it.
Dad said goodbye and me and Bob left.
I distinctly remember walking and talking for a few seconds, and then telling Bob to stop and think where we were supposed to go because we were going the wrong way.
Spain didn't look like Spain: it had lots of English pubs.
Next is where it got strange. I noticed it wasn't very realistic, started to become lucid and lost it in a second. The graphics went all pixelated and faded out.
Next thing I knew I was telling Bob that I became lucid because the streets had a repetitive, randomly generated feel. I got the impression I had seen this dream on a computer monitor like it was a computer game or something.
Then I woke up.