dream Dream: Friday 12 October 2012 18:11

In Spain with Bob

Tags: Bob Dad Yu Lee

I was dreaming that I was in Spain, visiting my dad, and I had been at a bar drinking. We all went back to my dad's house and there were a lot of people in the front room, drinking and talking, and my brother was there too.

The layout of the house was completely different to real life, and the living room opened out into a very narrow kitchen - it seemed more like a corridor with kitchen appliances in it.

I was standing in the kitchen with Yu Lee, when all of a sudden my brother came through the door and said "I feel really sick". He staggered into the kitchen, and just about made it to the sink where he threw up, and then immediately collapsed on the floor and puked some more. At that moment Dad walked in and said "Have you seen what he's just done on the floor in there?" and I woke up feeling hot, sweaty and thirsty!

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