Displaying dreams 141 to 150 of 462
dream Dream: Wednesday 04 September 2013 04:57

The Duvet Room

Tags: Yu Lee

The first half of my dream had me and Yu Lee playing a zombie game (like resident evil) but we weren't really playing it on a computer but acting it out. We were shooting zombies and I ran out of ammo fighting 2 especially fat zombies. In the end I killed them by picking up a big lump of metal and throwing at them in such a way that it knocked them over and landed on their necks, snapping them.

After that we were back in the real world at someone's house. They were family or close friends and had a big family.

Someone said "I have an announcement" and the mum said "everyone to the duvet room". We went upstairs and there was a small bedroom with duvets all over the place and everyone huddled round on the floor, but people just kept pouring in and eventually there must have been about 30 people, mainly children. I never got to see what the announcement was as I woke up.

dream Dream: Saturday 07 September 2013 03:00

Lucía's House 2

I dreamt that I was next door at Lucía's house, and her husband and children were there too. We were all talking in Spanish, but from time to time I would forget and start talking in English which is weird because this is something that doesn't really happen in real life.

dream Dream: Saturday 07 September 2013 04:57

Escaping Rats

I was dreaming about having pet rats again. I think I had let them out of the cage and not realised that the patio doors were open and then they disappeared in the garden and I couldn't find them.

dream Dream: Saturday 07 September 2013 15:45

Chinese Hotel

Tags: Yu Lee

I dreamt that I was in China on a work trip, and Yu Lee was with me. I can't really remember what work related stuff I did but I remember being in a hotel.

We had stayed in the hotel over night and when we went to pay the bill in the morning the girl tried to charge us about 4 times the expected price. I argued with her (her English was good but her accent was terrible) and eventually we realised that it was because we checked in on a Thursday, and when we checked in we said we were going to stay until Monday, but we were checking out on Friday so we only wanted to pay for 1 night. She agreed to this and everything was fine after that.

It seemed to make a lot of sense at the time but now it seems like bollocks!

dream Dream: Monday 09 September 2013 04:57

Windows 8

Tags: Yu Lee

I was dreaming about buying a new computer.

Yu Lee needed a new computer and bought one, and then I decided that I wanted one too so I made sure to buy the next model up so that mine could be better than hers! I was trying really hard to find one that didn't have Windows 8 on it, and when I tried out Windows in the shop it had a weird interface and looked very old fashioned.

dream Dream: Wednesday 11 September 2013 04:57

Bob and a Fat Girl

Tags: Bob Yu Lee

I was visiting my mum and she was living in the house I grew up in. My brother was there but my mum wasn't, and Yu Lee was with me.

I'm not sure who invited her but after a little while a fat girl came to the house and someone commented that they "knew what was going to happen". A bit later my brother started making out with the fat girl, and then they announced that they were "going up stairs".

I don't understand why but they decided that they were going to go to my room, and my bed wasn't made because no one had been living in there so I followed them upstairs. First I told them to make the bed but then when it was clear that they weren't going to do this I went in after them, and while they were kissing quickly put a sheet on the bed.

At that point my alarm went off and woke me up.

dream Dream: Thursday 12 September 2013 03:00


I don't remember all of the details but I was experimenting with some kind of drug. I don't really remember what it did but it wasn't like a normal recreational drug, and one of the things it did was to affect your dreams and make them more realistic. At the end of my dream I suddenly couldn't see or breathe and this scared me and woke me up.

dream Dream: Friday 13 September 2013 14:27

Cats and Dogs

I remember two fragments of this dream.

The first was at home and I was sitting in the living room and we had people round. It was dark outside and I looked out through the patio doors and saw a cat in the garden. Then I noticed there were two, then three, then there were a whole load of them. I went outside to shoe them away and they turned out to be dogs. As I walked through the garden I accidentally trod on and kicked some of them and they all attacked me.

At first I ran and then they overwhelmed me, so instead I dived to the floor and started stroking them. They instantly stopped being hostile and started licking my face.

The last part of my dream I was inside a giant blue sphere which seemed like a cross between a restaurant and a theme park ride. There were tables attached to the sides of the sphere up in the air and we were sitting on one with some drinks. The sphere started to rotate and I was scared, but then the phone rang and woke me up.

dream Dream: Sunday 15 September 2013 14:30


I don't remember much about the dream but it was definitely very strange. All I remember is that on 2 occasions I was complementing / flirting with a very attractive brunette with long wavy hair.

dream Dream: Monday 16 September 2013 14:00

Lucía's House 3

I had a strange dream about being in Spain with my Dad. Lucía's house was also in Spain (she is Spanish I suppose) and I remember that her daughter was talking to me and was sad that I was moving, which is strange because this is a recurring dream and she never actually speaks to me in real life.

I also dreamt that my Dad ran out of wine, and if we took wine bottles full of grape juice to the bar they would turn it into wine for us.