The Duvet Room
The first half of my dream had me and Yu Lee playing a zombie game (like resident evil) but we weren't really playing it on a computer but acting it out. We were shooting zombies and I ran out of ammo fighting 2 especially fat zombies. In the end I killed them by picking up a big lump of metal and throwing at them in such a way that it knocked them over and landed on their necks, snapping them.
After that we were back in the real world at someone's house. They were family or close friends and had a big family.
Someone said "I have an announcement" and the mum said "everyone to the duvet room". We went upstairs and there was a small bedroom with duvets all over the place and everyone huddled round on the floor, but people just kept pouring in and eventually there must have been about 30 people, mainly children. I never got to see what the announcement was as I woke up.