ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
2060 15/10/14 13:57 to 15/10/14 15:37 1:40 I slept well

Yu Lee decided to come with me for this nap, so we went to bed together. I fell asleep quickly but woke up a little while later because she was laying on my arm.

I remember telling her that I was getting up, taking out my earplugs and logging the end of the sleep, but a few minutes later I'd fallen back to sleep and had a lovely long nap. When I woke up we were still cuddled up together.

This was one of the best naps I've had for ages!

2059 15/10/14 13:34 to 15/10/14 13:53 0:18 I slept well

(see next sleep)

2057 15/10/14 00:19 to 15/10/14 06:08 5:48 I slept well

I was pretty tired by the time I went to bed last night and fell asleep quickly.

I slept through the night without waking, and woke up to my alarm at 5:50am. Then I set my alarm for 6:10am and when back to sleep, and had a nice extra 20 minutes. Hopefully that won't mess up my chances of napping later!

2056 14/10/14 12:55 to 14/10/14 13:05 0:10 I didn't sleep at all

(see previous sleep)

2055 14/10/14 12:21 to 14/10/14 12:52 0:31 I slept a little bit

This was really frustrating!

I was quite tired and fell asleep quickly, but then I dribbled all over myself which woke me up, probably after being asleep for about 10 minutes. As usual, waking so quickly after falling asleep prevented me from going back to sleep again.

2054 13/10/14 23:59 to 14/10/14 05:47 5:47 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly and slept through the night without waking. It was easier to get up this morning.

2053 13/10/14 14:22 to 13/10/14 15:58 1:35 I slept well

Today I was buying a new business laptop for Yu Lee, which just as when I bought mine was a stressful task! After spending a couple of hours deliberating over which one to get I ended up going for the exact same one that I have.

By the time I'd finished with that I was late for my nap again, so I set an alarm and went to sleep.

I was expecting to fall asleep straight away but it took me about 20 - 30 minutes to drift off. I woke up naturally at 3:50pm, and then went back to sleep for 10 minutes and woke up to the alarm.

2052 13/10/14 02:00 to 13/10/14 05:57 3:57 I slept well

Last night we were playing League of Legends with Zen until about midnight and then talking to him on Google Hangouts for a while afterwards. When we got to bed it took both of us a while to get to sleep (which is really unusual for Yu Lee), possibly because we were both still quite excited.

When I did get to sleep I slept through the night and woke up to my alarm at 6:00am.

2051 13/10/14 01:17 to 13/10/14 01:59 0:42 I didn't sleep at all
2050 12/10/14 14:38 to 12/10/14 16:19 1:40 I slept well

Today we were watching the LCS semi-finals which went on for 5 games, so I ended up going for my nap a bit later than usual. I was really tired by the time I got to bed and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

As I was so late coming to bed I set an alarm to stop me sleeping all day, and when it went off I was still sleeping deeply. I felt like I could have slept for hours!

2047 12/10/14 00:43 to 12/10/14 05:37 4:54 I slept well

Last night took me a little while to fall asleep. I slept through the night without waking, and I was definitely dreaming when the alarm went off, but I don't remember my dream any more.

2049 12/10/14 00:19 to 12/10/14 00:42 0:23 I didn't sleep at all
2048 12/10/14 00:19 to 12/10/14 00:42 0:23 I didn't sleep at all
2046 11/10/14 13:13 to 11/10/14 14:25 1:11 I slept well

This was a nice but relatively short nap. I fell asleep really quickly (probably less than 5 minutes) and then woke up naturally just over an hour later. After the end of my sleep I stayed in bed for about 10 minutes.

2045 10/10/14 23:18 to 11/10/14 05:37 6:19 I slept well

Last night I went to bed a bit earlier than usual, so I set my alarm for 5:00am. This morning when my alarm went off I decided it was too early and reset my alarm for 5:40am and went back to bed!

When my alarm first went off I was dreaming, but I don't remember the dream at all now.

When I went back to bed I fell asleep again in less than a minute, and the next 40 minutes while I was asleep disappeared very quickly. If I didn't know any better I would say that I just closed my eyes for a minute.

As usual, after snoozing the alarm I actually felt pretty rough when I woke up, although the feeling passed in about 10 minutes.

2044 10/10/14 13:38 to 10/10/14 14:39 1:01 I slept well

When I went to bed it took me a little while to fall asleep, probably about 20 minutes. Once I'd gotten to sleep, about 30 minutes later my phone went off and woke me up. I turned it to silent and logged the end of my sleep.

I didn't know whether I would go back to sleep or not, but I dozed in and out for a few minutes, and then dozed off again. When I opened my eyes I was expecting 10 minutes to have passed, but it was actually an hour!

2043 10/10/14 12:45 to 10/10/14 13:36 0:51 I slept well

(see next sleep)

2042 09/10/14 23:59 to 10/10/14 05:43 5:43 I slept well

Last night I felt quite tired at about 11:30pm, but when I went to bed I suddenly felt a lot more awake. I thought it might take me a while to fall asleep, but in the end I fell asleep quite quickly.

I woke up from a dream at 4:30am, then went back to sleep and woke up to my alarm at 5:45am. I'm pretty sure I was dreaming again when the alarm went off, although I don't remember my dream at all.

2041 09/10/14 12:42 to 09/10/14 14:28 1:46 I slept well

I fell asleep quickly and slept deeply. I woke up one and three quarter hours later when Yu Lee came in to wake me. I didn't feel groggy and was sleeping lightly by the time she came in.

This was a nice nap!

2040 09/10/14 00:08 to 09/10/14 05:43 5:34 I slept well

Another night's sleep without anything interesting to report!