Tuesday 15 December 2015 23:50 to 08:47
(8:56 hours)
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New School / Peeing Vinagre
I dreamt that I was still living at home with my mum (in our old house in Slough), and I was at the point where I'd just finished one school and needed to start the next. We'd been applying to different schools but there was one that was much better than the rest.
We received a letter saying that I hadn't gotten into the good school. At this point I basically gave up and tried to get used to the fact that I was going to the crappy school, but Mum wanted to call the school and try to get them to change their mind. I argued with her that it was a waste of time, and at one point I even got quite annoyed with her, but she didn't listen and spent a while making phone calls.
I went upstairs to my room and could hear my mum on the phone downstairs. After quite a long time she called up to me that it worked and they'd offered me a place! I felt relieved.
We had a workman in the house, doing some kind of building work. It was about 8 o'clock in the evening so I don't know why he was still there. The builder was doing something in one of the upstairs rooms, and had loads of tools and materials in Bob's bedroom, but I think he was doing some work in the bathroom.
I went downstairs and talked to Mum. She was in the middle of ordering me a new bed, and she said that as I'd gotten into the good school after all, I'd be needing a different bed instead. I chose the one that I wanted and we ordered it. I'm pretty sure we were looking in a printed catalogue so I have no idea how she ordered it.
A few minutes later the door went and I answered it. The delivery man handed me a package full of screws and nuts and bolts, and I realised it was the hardware for my new bed. I couldn't understand how it had gotten here so quick.
I needed to pee so I went upstairs, but for some reason, instead of going into the bathroom I went into Bob's bedroom. There was a cardboard container on the floor that had previously been filled with screws or something, that the builder had left behind. It was made out of the same kind of material as a paper cup and looked pretty waterproof so I decided to pee into it. I only peed a little bit, and it burned on the way out, and my urine was dark brown. I stopped even though I wasn't really finished and took the container to the bathroom. As I poured it into the toilet it fizzed and I realised it was because it was very acidic!
I peed some more into the toilet and it was really uncomfortable because of the burning sensation. As I continued, the urine fizzed some more in the toilet. I realised that this wasn't normal and went downstairs to tell Mum, but then I woke up and my dream ended.