Monday 21 December 2015 01:00 to 08:44
(7:43 hours)
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Mum's Credit Rating
I don't remember a lot of the details of this dream, but I was talking to my mum about her financial situation. She has some crazy idea about paying for something, but said that it would mean missing a mortgage payment.
The main part of the dream that I remember is being very frustrated and telling here (repeatedly) "Whatever you do, don't miss a mortgage payment!"
As usual, Mum was being stubborn and didn't seem to agree...

House Viewing by the Sea
In my dream, Yu Lee and I are trying to move house, and have a property viewing in a house at the seaside.
We arrive at the properly early, so we decide to have a look around before the viewing. We walk around the block and find our way to the back of the property, and there is a large metal gate leading in to the back of the garden. We look through the bars of the gate and see the owner or the estate agent showing another person around. They see us through the gate and say that they'll be finished soon, and I tell them not to rush because we are early anyway.
We make our way back round to the front of the house and after a while we knock on the door and go inside.
I don't remember the tour of the house itself, but after a few minutes the owner takes us out the back to view the garden. They then lead us down to the beach, which doesn't make a lot of sense looking back on it now, because we'd clearly seen a gate leading out onto the road early in the dream.
The atmosphere out on the beach is very strange. There is a large bridge above the beach, presumable with a large road on top, like a motorway bridge but a little wider and quite a lot taller. There are large concrete pillars holding it up. The colours of everything are kind of grey and not a lot of light seems to actually reach the beach.
Even though the beach is completely shadowed by the bridge, people are still hanging out on the beach as they would on any other beach. All of a sudden a massive wave comes in and we are in the water. We manage to stay at the water's surface which is now a couple of storeys high. almost at the top of the concrete pillars.
The water doesn't quite reach the top of the bridge, but we can see another wave coming in and this time it's even bigger. The owner of the property tells us we have to hold our arms in a certain position to avoid being completely submerged.
I woke up before the wave hit us.