Monday 10 February 2025 02:33 to 09:05
(6:32 hours)
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Weird Computer / Big Sister
The first part of the dream:
I have some kind of a weird computer. It's a new build computer but with a weird retro aesthetic. We actually had two of them in our house and we had Mum, Richard and Bob over and we were showing them.
One of the weird things about the computers is the keyboard: some of the keys had this kind of weird split key where one part of the key did "key down" and the other part of the key did "key up," so you had to kind of slide your finger across to make the key go back up. Also, some of these keys stood quite tall off of the keyboard, so while there were normal keys in the rest of the keyboard, these stood about 5 cm tall, or maybe bigger, and were also a blue colour where the rest of the keys were light grey. I have no idea how you would actually use this thing.
One of the pieces of software that we were showing them was a rogue-like with text mode graphics, like Nethack. We showed them for a while and while, I was doing this Link was messing around and pressing the cursor keys, and it was really annoying me and I had to tell him off.
A little while later, we switched to a new scene, and this time we're at our house and we're going to have some kind of party for the kids or maybe a playdate. There were a couple of kids coming from the same family. After a little while, they start to show up. First, this little kid shows up, and we're just talking to them. Then, a little while later, her big sister shows up who's about 18 years old.
When they came, they brought a little tray of snacks. It had like four miniature breadsticks dipped in chocolate, and I put it on the table and jokingly said, "Dinner is served."
We're chatting to them, and it turns out that this is their normal family structure. The big sister says "my mum goes and looks after other people's kids and we barely see her, and I look after our kids".