Leaving Do in Spain / Pops
We are in Spain for some kind of work-related leaving do. I'm not sure exactly where I work in my dream as most of the other people are not from any job that I've had, and the main dream character that I remember from this part of the dream is Mrs Oxley from my school (and I honestly have no idea why I would dream of her in particular).
In the first part of my dream we were going to bars and restaurants, and I'm sure some stuff happened but I don't really remember it now. The part that I really remember clearly is from the end of my dream.
After we're finished with our leaving do, I decide to go and visit my dad. When I get there, as well as my Dad and Sue being there, my nan and Pops are there and Pops is still alive, although I don't notice this as being unusual.
I walk up to him and say "Hi Pops" and he replies "How are you doing Stevie Boy?" which is not really something he would have said. His voice is not quite right, and his face is not exactly the same as it used to be, but I know it's still my Pops and I'm happy to see him.
He says something to me, and I don't remember exactly what it was but it was a reference to something that had happened in the past, and whatever he said wasn't quite right, but was in the right direction. Then he said "You see, I've still got a good memory, haven't I?"
"When he's got any memory at all," Nan says sarcastically.
I walk right up to him and put my arms around him and suddenly realise that I haven't seen him for a long time, and say "I miss you."
"What do you miss about me?" he replies. I start to think about all of the things that I miss about seeing him when I was little: about going for walks in the fields out the back of his house, messing around with the tools in his shed, playing board games, but I can't decide which one to say. I'm suddenly overcome by sadness and start to cry.
Then I wake up in my bedroom.