Lauryn's House
I dreamt that I was back in Slough, visiting my mum. For some reason I was out somewhere with my ex-girlfriend Lauryn's family.
I don't remember much about most of the day, for example I can't remember where we were, but I'm pretty sure we were doing something and it involved having a few drinks.
Lauryn's parents took me back to her house, and when I got in her parents had to go somewhere and I was alone with her little sister, Jade. She was exactly the same as she used to be and was still only 12 years old.
I asked her what she thought of the new house. I told her that I'd only been round a couple of times after they moved, and I thought it was better than their old house, especially the kitchen. She told me she didn't remember the old kitchen and I described it to her, but the kitchen that I described sounded suspiciously like the kitchen in my first house!
The whole thing about them moving was something that was made up in my dream.
A little while later Lauryn's dad gets back home, followed shortly afterwards by her mum. Her dad is drinking a lot. I think he was drinking beer at first, although I don't remember clearly, but I definitely remember him drinking vodka out of a bottle towards the end of the dream. The bottle was unlike any brand of vodka I've ever seen though: it was made out of dark brown glass and had a hexagonal cross-section and looked kind of like an antique.
We chatted for a while in the front room, and I carried on drinking too. I asked Lauryn's dad the same question I asked Jade: "What do you think of the new house?"
He commented on the fact that it wasn't new any more and I asked how long they'd lived there. He told me "fifteen years," and we talked about how it must have been nearly fifteen years ago that I was last there.
The final thing I remember talking about was money. He was telling me that he lends money to people and makes interest on it as some kind of investment. This conversation slowly evolved into talking about the future and what they would like to do, and Lauryn's mum said "I'd really like to get rid of one of the cars and be a single car family."
I agreed with her that it would be better (and cheaper) to have a single car, but then an argument broke out between them, with Lauryn's dad arguing about how ridiculous it would be to share a car.
A while later I told them I was going to call a taxi so that I could go back to my mum's house. Lauryn's dad looked at me and said, "Do you want me to drive you half way, to Sainsbury's?" but I started laughing and told him I didn't. It was obvious that I didn't accept his lift because he was drinking vodka straight out of a bottle.
Throughout this whole dream, Lauryn was not in it once (that I remember). I only dreamt about her house and her family.