Eye Medicine
There was a lot more to this dream than I can remember now. I remember that my mate Mike from school was in part of it, and also my ex-girlfriend's sister (as a baby). This is the only bit I remember in enough detail to write down.
We are at Yu Lee's mum's house (although it doesn't necessarily look like Yu Lee's mum's house) and Yu Lee's dad comes back from somewhere. He excited because he's got loads of medicine for a bargain price!
He opens his shopping back and starts handing out boxes of medicine to everyone. The boxes are all different and are for random things, and one of the boxes contains eye medicine. I'm not quite sure why, but he takes the eye medicine out of the box and puts a drop in each eye.
A little while later, I think the police came round, and for some reason Yu Lee's dad had to go with them. While he's gone Yu Lee's mum comes home and she keeps taking boxes of medicine out of the bags that each of us have and trying to put them all in the same bag. After a while I realise what she's doing and ask "You want the bags, don't you?" She says "no" defensively, and then after a few seconds admits that she does want the bags, so I take the medicine out of the bag and give the bag to her.
A while layer, Yu Lee's dad comes back in through the front door. We are asking him what happened while he is fiddling around with the door, and then he turns round and his face looks really weird. I realise it's because his eyes are all swollen.
I tell him his eyes are swollen and it must have been because of the eye drops he took and he starts to look concerned. Then I woke up.