Displaying dreams 171 to 180 of 462
dream Dream: Saturday 19 October 2013 15:40

Asian Children

I dreamt that some Asian children wearing rags and sandals were chasing me!

dream Dream: Sunday 20 October 2013 05:00


Last night I had a weird dream that I only vaguely remember now. It centred around me and a girl, and all I really remember is that we had some kind of conflict and were talking about each other. It seemed pretty complicated at the time but I really don't remember much of it now.

dream Dream: Tuesday 22 October 2013 00:30

House Swap

Tags: Yu Lee

I dreamt that we'd been offered another house, and the estate agent said that it was the same price, and if we wanted it we could swap our house for it and not have to pay any of the fees or tax again.

Me and Yu Lee went to look at the house and we both agreed that it made sense to make the switch, so we moved again into the new house and someone else got our house.

As soon as we got there we realised we'd made a big mistake! There were mice running around everywhere, the neighbourhood was dodgy and the neighbours were horrible. We wanted to move back but it was too late already.

dream Dream: Wednesday 23 October 2013 04:20

House Sitting

Tags: Bob Yu Lee

I dreamt that I was staying at one of my Spanish friends' house while she was out, so that I could make sure she didn't get burgled. She told me to help myself to anything I wanted.

Yu Lee and my brother were there with me, and there was a fruit machine type of thing in her house. My brother found a box with some change in it and he spent it all in the fruit machine, and won loads of change (mainly 1 and 2 pence pieces) back and put it back in the box.

When my friend got back she told him that she didn't want all of the change.

dream Dream: Monday 28 October 2013 05:00

Hair Cut

This morning I was dreaming, and I think it was a fairly complex dream. The only bit I remember was having half of my head shaved! I think it was the front half that was shaved so I had long hair at the back and no hair at the front which looked ridiculous.

dream Dream: Tuesday 29 October 2013 05:02

Topless Swimming

Tags: Yu Lee

I dreamt that me and Yu Lee were in a swimming pool with lots of other people and the girls were all topless. We were sitting on a step in the corner of the pool, and then we went for a swim. When we came back to our step another couple were heading towards the same spot so we sped up and got there first.

I remember the other guy getting angry with me and I thought he was trying to start a fight.

dream Dream: Wednesday 30 October 2013 05:00

House Share

Tags: Yu Lee

Part of my dream included renting out a room with Yu Lee. We had just bought this house in our dream, but for some reason we wanted to rent out a room as well. The house we'd chosen had a family living there with loads of children.

I remember there were loads of kids in our room and I wanted to go for a nap, but Yu Lee wouldn't help get rid of them. In the end we got all but one of them to leave and the remaining one was being quiet so we let him stay.

In other parts of my dream, the girl living there had paid for a monument to be erected in a park with hundreds of other monuments all right next to each other, but it was fenced off and I wanted to see it so I was climbing the fence.

At the end of my dream I was making a cup of red bush tea and I left it to stew for too long and it turned into something that looked a lot like porridge!

dream Dream: Thursday 31 October 2013 05:00


Tags: Peder Yu Lee

I only remember bits of my dreams last night. One of my dreams involved meeting up with a group of people in a field and I got upset because they left loads of bags of rubbish everywhere, but a farmer helped me move them to the dump.

The other fragment I remember involved me and Yu Lee walking to my mate Pete's house. When we got there no one was home but the back door was open, so we went inside. We did something in his house but I don't remember what now, and then he came home and he seemed very surprised that the door was open.

dream Dream: Sunday 03 November 2013 12:49


I was dreaming about seeing my cousins. One of my cousins (Dan) seemed upset about something, so I asked him what was wrong. He started to reply and said "My D..." and as he said it I remembered that (in my dream) his Dad had died recently, so I thought this is what he was going to say and wished I'd never brought it up. When he did finish his sentence he actually said "My diet started this week" and I breathed a sigh of relief.

dream Dream: Tuesday 05 November 2013 05:00


I was dreaming about being in prison. It seemed like a pretty harsh punishment because they gave me a 4 month sentence for speeding!