ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
2297 31/01/15 12:55 to 31/01/15 15:11 2:16 I slept well

Today it took me about 5 minutes to fall asleep, and once asleep I slept deeply. I woke up to my alarm after 1.5 hours but turned it off and went back to sleep. Yu Lee came in 45 minutes after that and woke me up again, but I didn't get out of bed for another 15 minutes (when I ran out of tissues and had to run to the bathroom to empty my sinuses).

2296 31/01/15 01:28 to 31/01/15 06:27 4:58 I slept well

Last night it took me a little while to fall asleep, partly because I have a cold and partly because I slept so much in the day.

Once I'd gotten to sleep I slept through most of the night, although I think I woke up briefly at about 5:00am and then woke up again from a dream about 15 minutes before my alarm.

2295 31/01/15 01:04 to 31/01/15 01:28 0:24 I didn't sleep at all
2294 30/01/15 13:08 to 30/01/15 15:16 2:07 I slept well

I fell asleep quickly for my nap and woke up to my alarm as usual. I suddenly became aware of the alarm going off and it seemed quieter than usual, and then I realised it wasn't my alarm at all and that my phone was ringing. I guess I forgot to put it on silent.

I answered the phone just as it rang out. I looked at my sleep log and only 25 minutes had passed, but I felt like I'd been sleeping for longer.

I went back to sleep and fell asleep in about 5 - 10 minutes, and then slept through until my alarm. I felt tired so I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep, and the next thing I remember is Yu Lee coming in to wake me up. I was laying in bed when I decided to check my phone (which was on silent this time) and someone was ringing me so I answered it and got out of bed.

2293 30/01/15 01:13 to 30/01/15 07:43 6:30 I slept well

Wow, talk about broken sleep.

Last night I went to my wine tasting class and drank a fair bit of wine, then when I got home I had another glass while I watched House on TV. After that I did my usual and had 2 cups of herbal infusions and a pint of water.

When I was laying in bed at 1:00am I felt thirsty so I got up and had another pint of water, then at 2:30am I got up and went to the toilet. At 3:30am I was thirsty again so I went downstairs and got a pint of water, and brought the water filter up stairs and went to the toilet again. At 4:30am I finished my pint of water, at 5:30am I poured another glass of water and drank some of that, and at 6:30am (1 minute before my alarm was due to go off) I turned off my alarm and set another one for 7:30am, then drank some more water before going back to bed.

At 7:30am my other alarm went off, but it's easily ignorable so I didn't get up for another 15 minutes. Yu Lee slept through that alarm too.

I'm sure I had loads of dreams throughout the night but I don't remember them now. I don't know whether it was my cold or the wine (or both) that lead to such a crappy night's sleep.

2292 29/01/15 15:26 to 29/01/15 15:36 0:10 I slept well
2291 29/01/15 13:28 to 29/01/15 15:22 1:53 I slept well

I was pretty tired for this nap and fell asleep easily. I fell asleep again after my alarm went off, and then Yu Lee woke me up about 15 minutes later. After she left I dozed for 10 minutes before getting up.

2290 29/01/15 00:45 to 29/01/15 06:27 5:42 I slept well

I fell asleep quickly and woke up from a dream at around 5:00am. I drifted in and out for about 15 minutes, then went back to sleep and woke up again 5 minutes before my alarm. I cuddled up to Yu Lee and fell back to sleep just as my alarm went off.

2289 28/01/15 11:56 to 28/01/15 13:38 1:42 I slept well

I have a bit of a cold at the moment and I was feeling really tired by nap time. I slept solidly, woke up from a dream which I remembered clearly and then snoozed my alarm.

Yu Lee came in before it went off a second time and ended up getting in the bed for a cuddle. We laid in bed for over an hour before getting up. We didn't sleep but we both felt a bit ill and tired so it was nice to relax.

After getting up I still remembered my dream, but now it's 8:30pm and I've forgotten it!

2288 28/01/15 01:15 to 28/01/15 06:27 5:12 I slept well

This morning I woke up at 5:30am and looked at the clock. I realised that I had an hour before I needed to be up so I cuddled up to Yu Lee. I remember thinking about yesterday morning when the alarm went off just as I went in for a cuddle!

I fell asleep again and woke up 2 minutes before my alarm, and got up just before it was due to go off.

When I went to log my sleep, my sleep site wasn't working. The server wasn't running any more and when I sent in a ticket the hosting company weren't responding.

In the end I switched to a new hosting provider. The site was down until 8:30pm but I wrote my wake up time on a bit of paper!

2287 27/01/15 12:48 to 27/01/15 14:31 1:43 I slept well

I wasn't that tired at nap time today, and it took me a while to fall asleep. The workmen were gone by lunch time but I put on my noise machine anyway.

Once I'd gotten to sleep I slept deeply, and woke up from a dream to my alarm an hour and a half later. I snoozed the alarm twice but Yu Lee came in before it went off the last time.

2286 27/01/15 01:06 to 27/01/15 06:27 5:21 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and slept through most of the night without waking. I'm pretty sure I was dreaming this morning, but I don't remember the dream any more.

I woke up naturally and felt a little bit cold so I cuddled up to Yu Lee. She felt me come in for a hug and repositioned herself in the bed, and I was just about to cuddle right up to her when the alarm went off and ruined everything!

2285 26/01/15 13:09 to 26/01/15 15:10 2:01 I slept well

Today I was pretty sleepy by nap time. We have builders in the house fitting insulation onto the external walls, and today they spent most of the day drilling with a hammer drill.

When I went for my nap I put on my white noise machine as well as my ear plugs, but the hammer drill was extremely loud. It took me a while to fall asleep, and at first the drill was waking me up every 5 minutes or so, but eventually I fell asleep and slept surprisingly well.

My alarm went off after half an hour, and I snoozed it 3 times before logging the end of my sleep. I laid in bed for another 15 minutes or so and may have nodded off for a moment or two.

I needed this nap, and enjoyed it despite the noise!

2284 26/01/15 01:06 to 26/01/15 06:37 5:31 I slept well

Last night Stefan, Christina and Alana were round, and they left just after midnight. We relaxed for half an hour before going to bed, and by the time I was in bed I was knackered!

I decided not to move my alarm forward by 10 minutes as we went to bed later than intended. I will shift it again tonight instead.

I fell asleep almost instantly and slept like a rock. This morning I woke from a dream but forgot it instantly.

2283 25/01/15 11:54 to 25/01/15 13:37 1:43 I slept well

This morning I had to remove some cupboards in the garage ready to have the wall insulated. Stefan, Christina and Alana are coming round in the afternoon so I made sure to get to bed early and have a good nap.

I fell asleep quickly and had an enjoyable sleep.

2282 25/01/15 00:54 to 25/01/15 06:37 5:43 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and slept through until around 4:00am when I woke from a dream. I went straight back to sleep and woke from another dream just after 6:00am. After that I slept again until my alarm at 6:40am.

2281 24/01/15 13:32 to 24/01/15 15:10 1:37 I slept well

It took me a little while to fall asleep today as I had something on my mind (something to do with work that turned out to be nothing). I think I was laying in bed for about half an hour before I fell asleep.

Once I was asleep I slept well. I woke up to my alarm from a dream, and then snoozed for another 10 minutes. After that I laid in bed for a while before getting up.

I could have easily slept a lot longer.

2280 24/01/15 01:08 to 24/01/15 06:47 5:39 I slept well

Last night I set my alarm back 10 minutes. I'm going to be doing this every day for the next 5 days to try and shift my sleeping pattern a little, so that the days are slightly longer and the evenings are slightly shorter.

When I woke up this morning I felt really tired, and it took a lot of will power to not get back into bed!

2279 23/01/15 14:02 to 23/01/15 14:48 0:46 I slept well

...and proceeded to fall asleep again for another 45 minutes.

2278 23/01/15 12:28 to 23/01/15 14:00 1:31 I slept well

I was tired, fell asleep quickly and woke up from a dream to my alarm an hour and a half later...