Monday 28 April 2014 23:46 to 05:00
(5:14 hours)
Last night I was quite tired again and dropped off to sleep quickly.
This morning I was dreaming.

Secret Level
This morning I was dreaming about playing computer games. Me and my brother had a game that we'd played the demo of so many times that we knew every secret, and we'd just bought the full version. The full version didn't have the demo level in and was much more difficult.
Yu Lee asked if she could have a go and she was completely useless at it. I showed her that she could change the camera mode to see if that helped, but I didn't think it would as the other camera mode was useless. Then, all of a sudden, with the camera set to a mode where you couldn't even see what you were doing, she started to do really well and dived off the edge of a platform into a giant '8 ball' that we hadn't seen, which took her to a secret level with lots of cool stuff.