Displaying dreams 21 to 30 of 170
dream Dream: Saturday 02 January 2016 09:07


Tags: Alberto Yu Lee

Yu Lee and I are in Spain, in a bar, and the barman is Alberto who used to own the bar my dad and Sue frequented daily a few years ago. We are there for lunch, and when we get there we order a beer and a couple of tapas.

After our first round of food, we decide to order more because we are still hungry. I call Alberto over and start talking to him in Spanish. I tell him that we want to order some more food, and tell him that Yu Lee doesn't like it when there isn't a proper menu. He says that there's no menu because they change the dished that they serve daily, and I agree that it isn't a problem. He then runs through the food options and one of the the options is Liver (hígado). I ask him how it comes and he tells me that it is a special dish and the liver is raw. I order the liver and a couple of other things and he tells me that it will be a while because the liver takes a while to prepare.

Throughout the conversation I keep mixing up Spanish and Italian words (just like real life) and it takes a real effort to keep talking in Spanish. At some points in the conversation I really slow down and feel like I have to think about every word, and I tell him that my Spanish is not so good because I've been learning Italian.

After we finish making our order, we decide to go out for a walk to pass the time while the food is being prepared. After walking around for a few minutes we decide to take a short cut back but end up getting completely lost. I start to feel stressed because the food will be ready and we won't make it back.

Eventually we come to a place that looks familiar. We are on the edge of a beech, and there is a river cutting in-land in front of us, and in the distance we can see a huge red suspension bridge. There's a sign with a map of the area on it, and we realise that we can't cross the river here and will have to walk for miles to make it back to the bar.

dream Dream: Thursday 24 December 2015 08:00

Drinking at a Bar

Me and Yu Lee are at a bar, and Jonathan from Charles Tyrwhitt in Cambridge is behind the bar. There are several other people at the bar in front of us, and just as we get there Jonathan disappears out the back to do something.

We wait at the bar for quite a long time, and eventually he comes back and serves the other customers. When it comes round to our turn he apologises for keeping us waiting and takes our order.

I order a beer, and Yu Lee orders a non-alcoholic cocktail which has lots of pineapple juice in it. Jonathan says that he thinks the lemon juice cocktail is more refreshing, so Yu Lee says she will have that one instead, but then Jonathan says "You shouldn't just order the lemon cocktail because I think it would be better. You should order what you want."

Yu Lee thinks about what he says and changes her order back to the pineapple cocktail.

dream Dream: Monday 21 December 2015 08:10

House Viewing by the Sea

Tags: Yu Lee

In my dream, Yu Lee and I are trying to move house, and have a property viewing in a house at the seaside.

We arrive at the properly early, so we decide to have a look around before the viewing. We walk around the block and find our way to the back of the property, and there is a large metal gate leading in to the back of the garden. We look through the bars of the gate and see the owner or the estate agent showing another person around. They see us through the gate and say that they'll be finished soon, and I tell them not to rush because we are early anyway.

We make our way back round to the front of the house and after a while we knock on the door and go inside.

I don't remember the tour of the house itself, but after a few minutes the owner takes us out the back to view the garden. They then lead us down to the beach, which doesn't make a lot of sense looking back on it now, because we'd clearly seen a gate leading out onto the road early in the dream.

The atmosphere out on the beach is very strange. There is a large bridge above the beach, presumable with a large road on top, like a motorway bridge but a little wider and quite a lot taller. There are large concrete pillars holding it up. The colours of everything are kind of grey and not a lot of light seems to actually reach the beach.

Even though the beach is completely shadowed by the bridge, people are still hanging out on the beach as they would on any other beach. All of a sudden a massive wave comes in and we are in the water. We manage to stay at the water's surface which is now a couple of storeys high. almost at the top of the concrete pillars.

The water doesn't quite reach the top of the bridge, but we can see another wave coming in and this time it's even bigger. The owner of the property tells us we have to hold our arms in a certain position to avoid being completely submerged.

I woke up before the wave hit us.

dream Dream: Monday 30 November 2015 08:05

The Top Floor / 800 Metre Race

Tags: Yu Lee

My dream is set in some kind of educational institution which is basically a cross between University and school. At the start of my dream I am in the student union building which is basically a pretty tall tower, and I've just finished eating in a restaurant on one of the lower floors.

Yu Lee wants to meet me and she asked me to meet her on one of the upper floors. I travel upstairs and wait for her.

The top of the building is like a medieval castle, almost as though a castle has been built on top of a modern tower block. I'm outside, and there are walls and towers around me, so although I'm quite high up it's impossible to tell as there is no way to see past the castle walls that surround me.

While I'm waiting for Yu Lee I look up at one of the towers and notice a large brown plant towering above it. I wonder how such a large plant could have gotten there, and wonder if it was planted there on purpose or was just a weed.

After a few minutes Yu Lee turns up and we head off. She tells me that this isn't actually the top floor, and that you can go even higher, inside the castle towers.

We head off an inside one of the towers. There are lots of people everywhere, and I think to myself how the building feels like a self contained city with all of its shops, bars and restaurants and so many people. We head up the tower and emerge into a hallway that must be inside what appeared to be the castle walls from the lower level.

We wander around for a while and it's a lot quieter up here. There are still a few people hanging around, but it feels like a secret place that not many people know about. There are quite a few restaurants up here and we say that we'll have to come back another time for lunch.

A little while later we head outside and are definitely up in what appeared to be the castle ramparts from the previous floor. We walk for a while and I notice a lot of trees and large plants, and then I spot the large brown plant that I was looking at earlier. It's not planted in any soil, and long wooden roots seem to be coming from inside the brickwork and from over the edges of the walls. The entire scene has a magical feeling to it and I feel a sense of wonder at the trees growing so high up in the top of the tower.

The next thing I remember is being in a completely different place. This time I'm outside in a grassy area and we're having a PE lesson. The teacher tells us that we're going to be having an 800 metre running race, and we position ourselves on the track ready to start. I ask the teacher if we just have to do 1 lap and she says "yes".

A couple of seconds later she blows a whistle to start the race and everyone starts running. I'm not running at full pace because I think that 800 metres is quite a long way to sprint, and I want to save some energy for the end of the race, but everyone else accelerates quickly and leaves me behind. As I'm running around I can't believe that the track is really 800 metres long.

I start to accelerate but I can't keep up with the other runners. A few minutes later I cross the finish line in last place. Everyone stops running apart from one other guy who keeps on running and starts a second lap. The teacher tells us that we were supposed to continue, and that we'd only run 400 metres. I protest that she told us to stop after one lap.

dream Dream: Thursday 08 October 2015 07:49

Expensive Beer

Tags: Yu Lee
Semi-Lucid Dream (L1)

This was my first night back in my own bed after spending two weeks in Italy, and the first dream I had was about being on holiday!

I had the feeling that I was in Spain, although I definitely spoke Italian at one point. I don't remember many details of the dream, but I do remember one section of it in detail.

I'm on my own: Yu Lee is on holiday with me, but at this particular moment she is somewhere else. I'm in the middle of a town centre and looking for somewhere to have a beer. I end up talking to a couple of other tourists and we go to a bar together, and we choose a bar that specialises in local craft beers.

The bar isn't inside a building: the actual bar and some seating are in the corner of a busy square. Also, the bar has several containers of different beers on the counter top, each of them looking like a giant cardboard carton with a tap at the bottom.

I ask the others what beer they want and they choose one, so I decided to have the same one too and order three beers. The barman fills up three glasses from one of the containers and I get my money out ready to pay.

I put my hands into my pockets, and instead of having my wallet with me I just have loads of loose change, so I get it out and spread it over the bar to count it. The weird thing is that instead of being gold and silver, most of the coins are all black. I look at them closely and realise that looking directly down at the pile of coins, the ones at the top of my vision are black, and then they fade back to being normal coin colours at the bottom of my field of vision.

At that moment, I realise that this is a "rendering bug", and that I am dreaming, but for some reason the coins aren't displaying correctly in my dream. I become lucid, and thoughts race through my head of all the things that I can do, but then I think to myself that whenever I try to fly or do anything like that, the dream always starts to fade out. I decide that I can't be bothered with that, and I allow myself to lose lucidity.

By the time the barman has come back to me I am no longer lucid. I ask him how much the bill is, and he tells me that each of the beers is €74.00! I tell him this is a rip off, and he tells me that it's clearly marked on the board. When I look at the board I can just about make out the prices but they aren't very clear.

I grab my glass and say "no thank you", and pour it into a bin behind the bar. I walk away from the bar and leave the others there.

dream Dream: Sunday 06 September 2015 09:32


Tags: Dad Sue Yu Lee

Me and Yu Lee are in Spain with my dad and Sue, sitting outside around a table. The weather is nice with a clear blue sky, and the sun is already getting low in the sky.

We're sitting around talking, when all of a sudden I hear a noise, like a jet engine. I can tell that it's really loud but really far away.

My dad says "Watch this, I've seen this loads of times and it's really good," and points towards a spot on the horizon. I look where he's pointing and notice a rocket rising up above the hills and trees in the distance.

The rocket is enormous and red, and as it rises I notice that there were 5 or 7 small white objects attached to it. (I know it was an odd number as one of them was in the centre of the rocket with an equal number of the other white objects on either side.)

The rocket flies straight upwards for a while, and then all of a sudden the white objects detach from it and fly off. I suddenly realise that they are small white vehicles, like miniature versions of the space shuttle.

"They're doing a test flight. Normally they launch these massive satellites into space," my dad explains to me.

The next thing that happens has me in awe. The rocket slows its ascent, and then starts to descend slowly towards the ground. It doesn't turn it's engines off but merely reduces the throttle, and maybe 10 seconds later land back in the same spot that it took off from.

I think I've been reading a little bit too much about SpaceX!

The dream felt very surreal, and I was completely captivated by the rocket.

dream Dream: Sunday 19 July 2015 07:43

Visiting Dad and Sue (and Mandy?)

I dreamt that I was visiting Dad and Sue in Spain. The first part that I remember was arriving at a bar.

I don't particularly remember getting to the bar, but I'm pretty sure they picked me up from the airport and took me straight there. It also wasn't their regular bar, or even the kind of place that they would normally go to. It seemed more like a hotel with a bar area and several other seating areas too.

When we were sat at the table, someone came in that they knew and they asked us if we were going to something beginning with 'S' (I don't remember the name of it now). My dad was not impressed with the suggestion and ranted a little about why he wouldn't want to go there. I'm not sure what exactly it was but it sounded like some kind of bar.

After the people moved on and found a table, we started talking again. Dad was saying he didn't know what to do for dinner tonight, and Sue said that she didn't want to eat out. Dad said that he didn't have anything in to make dinner and it was a Sunday so everywhere would be closed where we could buy food, so eating out was our only option. Sue was insisting that she didn't want to go out but Dad was telling her that there really was no other option.

Once we'd finished our drinks we left. We walked through one of the other rooms in the bar and there was a round table with about 10 English people sitting around in. They seemed to recognise me and asked me if I was going to the place beginning with 'S' and I thought it sounded interesting. I asked Dad what it was and he told me it was the place we were talking about earlier and that it was awful, so I told them I wasn't going and we left.

When we were outside we had to walk for a while to get home. I was talking about the seaside for some reason so Dad led us on a bit of a detour so that we could go via the sea. We didn't actually go to the beach but it was nice to see the sea.

On the way back home I was moaning about Yu Lee. I was annoyed that we only had one car, and was saying it was annoying when I come here because it means that I don't have a car when I get here. Dad said "you can always borrow our car," and as he was replying I realised what I was saying actually made no sense at all: even if we had two cars I would still have to leave the second car at the airport and rent a car here so it wouldn't help at all!

We arrived at my dad's place, but this was an apartment building instead of the villa he lives in in real life. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I was wearing a suit.

We entered the apartment building and it had a really confusing layout with lots of corridors and staircases. We started to head up towards his apartment, through several corridors and up some staircases. The look and feel of the place where we were had slowly progressed from the usual Spanish rendered concrete apartment building to something a lot more luxurious and old-fashioned: the area we were in now had lots of woodwork, with dark wooden panels on the walls and staircases with traditional wooden banisters.

As I walked up a flight of stairs I came to a section that was really narrow. The whole area was made of wood and you had to kind of turn sideways and squeeze through a very narrow doorway. I couldn't quite fit, and I felt that my suit was too cumbersome to be able to move into the right position.

I looked round and Dad and Sue were waiting at the bottom of the stairway I'd just climbed, with a look on their faces that said "And that's why we never go that way!"

I walked back down to them and we went a different way. Then things got really weird.

Suddenly Sue was my aunt Mandy, and we were walking up another narrow staircase. My dad was behind me and Mandy (or Sue?) was behind him. All of a sudden she started trying to kiss him, and then she leaned right in and was really kissing him. She put her hand out to lean onto something and it landed on the back of my leg, so that she was kind of leaning on me. I found the whole situation pretty uncomfortable so I hurried up and continued up the stairs, but she was leaning on my leg harder than I'd realised so she fell over forwards and landed on my dad.

"Ow Steve, I was leaning on you!" she shrieked at me as I hurried onwards towards the apartment.

This is the last thing I remember before waking.

dream Dream: Tuesday 12 May 2015 07:53


Tags: Yu Lee

Me and Yu Lee are on holiday in Spain. We're outside and wandering around some kind of Spanish city.

We're talking about something, when Yu Lee makes a remark about keep hearing voices in her head. I start to get a little bit worried and tell her that it's not right to hear voices, but she reassures me that it's nothing, and says that she can't hear them say anything in particular, and that it just sounds like a lot of people talking at the same time. She also tells me that she doesn't hear them all of the time, and that it comes and goes.

I suddenly have a flashback to a conversation we had earlier. Yu Lee was telling me about her work (she must have still worked at Babraham in my dream) and said that she had to do a presentation, but she had this voice in her head telling her to get some of the other employees to do it for her. She said it was stupid because she had no choice but to do it herself, and they obviously wouldn't do her work for her.

I remind Yu Lee that she'd told me this, and she still says that it's harmless.

"Do you know what they call it when you have voices in your head Yu Lee?" I ask her getting more and more anxious.

"I know" she replies, but I interject:


I am starting to get upset now and keep on having a go at her.

"It's okay at the moment while you can't hear exactly what they're saying, but you've already had them giving you instructions, and what happens when they're constantly telling you 'You're shit, Yu Lee, you might as well just kill yourself'?"

dream Dream: Saturday 09 May 2015 08:16

Big Fish Tank

Tags: Yu Lee

I dreamt that I had a very large fish tank in my house, with a couple of large fish in it which I think might have been rays. The tank was a couple of metres long and must have held hundreds of litres of water.

I was doing a water change, and I'd already siphoned out the waste water and was just topping it back up. As I was filling the tank with water I suddenly noticed that the floor was very wet, and when I looked down at the tank the "glass" has warped and bent away from the tank, making a gap where the water could get out. The glass looked like a thin sheet of plastic due to the way it was curving inside the tank, away from the bottom.

I called Yu Lee in to help me and I was very stressed as water was going everywhere. We eventually managed to bend the glass back and stop the leak.

I was explaining to Yu Lee how I hated the fish tank because it was a bit broken, and although it was watertight if I left it alone, I had to be really careful each time I did a water change otherwise the seal would break and make a mess.

I continued to do my water change, but this time I made sure the flow of water into the tank was a lot slower.

dream Dream: Saturday 02 May 2015 06:00

What Happened to My Aquarium?

Tags: Yu Lee

I came downstairs in the morning, and the lights were still off in my aquarium, but there was just enough light from the room to see inside. All of the plants seemed to have died and been taken over by a new plant. I could see movement in the tank, and the new plant looked very much like a venus fly trap, except it was highly mobile and kept opening and closing.

I looked closer at the tank and then realised that the plant must have eaten all of my snails!

I felt very frustrated that a weed had taken over my tank and ruined everything, and when Yu Lee came down stairs I showed her too. The carnivorous plant was creepy and I was disgusted by it, and didn't know what to do with the tank.