My dream is set in some kind of educational institution which is basically a cross between University and school. At the start of my dream I am in the student union building which is basically a pretty tall tower, and I've just finished eating in a restaurant on one of the lower floors.
Yu Lee wants to meet me and she asked me to meet her on one of the upper floors. I travel upstairs and wait for her.
The top of the building is like a medieval castle, almost as though a castle has been built on top of a modern tower block. I'm outside, and there are walls and towers around me, so although I'm quite high up it's impossible to tell as there is no way to see past the castle walls that surround me.
While I'm waiting for Yu Lee I look up at one of the towers and notice a large brown plant towering above it. I wonder how such a large plant could have gotten there, and wonder if it was planted there on purpose or was just a weed.
After a few minutes Yu Lee turns up and we head off. She tells me that this isn't actually the top floor, and that you can go even higher, inside the castle towers.
We head off an inside one of the towers. There are lots of people everywhere, and I think to myself how the building feels like a self contained city with all of its shops, bars and restaurants and so many people. We head up the tower and emerge into a hallway that must be inside what appeared to be the castle walls from the lower level.
We wander around for a while and it's a lot quieter up here. There are still a few people hanging around, but it feels like a secret place that not many people know about. There are quite a few restaurants up here and we say that we'll have to come back another time for lunch.
A little while later we head outside and are definitely up in what appeared to be the castle ramparts from the previous floor. We walk for a while and I notice a lot of trees and large plants, and then I spot the large brown plant that I was looking at earlier. It's not planted in any soil, and long wooden roots seem to be coming from inside the brickwork and from over the edges of the walls. The entire scene has a magical feeling to it and I feel a sense of wonder at the trees growing so high up in the top of the tower.
The next thing I remember is being in a completely different place. This time I'm outside in a grassy area and we're having a PE lesson. The teacher tells us that we're going to be having an 800 metre running race, and we position ourselves on the track ready to start. I ask the teacher if we just have to do 1 lap and she says "yes".
A couple of seconds later she blows a whistle to start the race and everyone starts running. I'm not running at full pace because I think that 800 metres is quite a long way to sprint, and I want to save some energy for the end of the race, but everyone else accelerates quickly and leaves me behind. As I'm running around I can't believe that the track is really 800 metres long.
I start to accelerate but I can't keep up with the other runners. A few minutes later I cross the finish line in last place. Everyone stops running apart from one other guy who keeps on running and starts a second lap. The teacher tells us that we were supposed to continue, and that we'd only run 400 metres. I protest that she told us to stop after one lap.