dream Dream: Monday 11 January 2016 08:05

Village Bicycle

Tags: Yu Lee

I dreamt that I was living in a shared house with three other people; two boys and a girl. When we all moved in together we were all friends, but my relationship with my female house-mate had progressed to a romantic relationship, and we had been sleeping together (although this was only implied and I don't remember actually sleeping with her in the dream).

Things progress in the dream, and one of the other guys starts to feel unwell. This next bit makes no sense in the real world, but he ends up taking a "pregnancy test" which reveals that he is "pregnant". Obviously this isn't the way things work in real life, but in my dream men can take the test to see if they've gotten their partner pregnant.

When we hear about his test results we realise that this means that he has gotten our female house-mate pregnant. This causes a lot of drama in the house, because it turns out that she was actually sleeping with all three of us!

After this, the two of them start to act like a proper couple which makes things very awkward in the house, and the situation is very upsetting for me and the other male house-mate.

From this part of the dream, Yu Lee is with me. I'm not really sure how she fits into everything or how much time has passed but it's pretty unpleasant to be in the house now. The last thing I remember is all being in the front room, sitting around and half watching TV. The girl is sitting on her partner's lap and Yu Lee is sitting next to me on the sofa. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but in the end I make a comment saying something like "I suppose everyone gets to ride the village bicycle at some point," and this pretty much kills the conversation.

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