Happy Birthday?
This dream was about my birthday. It took place in our house in Earlsdon, but it seemed like my friends from school were near by. The main focus of the dream was how Yu Lee was treating me.
Basically it was a really shit birthday. Throughout the whole dream Yu Lee didn't want to do anything for me. I was getting fed up because I wanted to do stuff and I was being ignored, so I called my friends from home (I think I called Jay).
While I was doing this, Yu Lee organised to go clubbing with her friends from home, despite the fact that I said I really didn't want to go there.
She went and left me on my own, and after a bit I called her and eventually got her to come back home.
When she got in I was getting dressed and she said that I was dressed horrible. She told me to wear a checked shirt because I looked like I was trying to be a black man! I changed as she suggested and she said she wanted to go back to the club. I said I didn't want her to, and that I wanted to go somewhere else, just me and her. She said she couldn't let her friends down.
I got really upset and told her that this was the worst birthday ever and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I was very upset. I told her that she was being really horrible to me and she had been ignoring me all day.
The last thing I remember is that a huge package came for me in the post. I thought it was from Yu Lee, but it turned out to be from her uncle to me. It was huge and the address on the label said wikipedia.com.
When I opened the package, I accidentally trod on it. It was a huge scale model of an aeroplane, the kind you build yourself. Luckily it wasn't damaged by my standing on it.