Music Quiz, Leaving WorldPay, Tapas
I remember several fragments of this dream with varying degrees of clarity.
The vaguest memory is from the earliest part of the dream. I remember we had builders in doing work in the garden, and something about large metal boxes / very small sheds that the previous people had left behind. They seemed to slot together and half fill the side passage.
The next part of the dream was in some kind of venue. We were at an event that seemed like a stand-up comedy show, except the guy doing it wasn't a comedian, but some guy giving a presentation that seems to have quiz elements to it.
After we'd been at the 'show' for quite a while, the guy on the stage asks a question "In music, what is a <something>?" I instinctively think it's when you lower the pitch by a tone, and then he plays some music with it in as an example and I'm sure that I was right. Someone in the audience puts up their hand and says what I was thinking and they were right.
I turn to the others in my group and say that I want to leave early to avoid the rush of people leaving, and they are all asleep. They wake up and we discuss it, and they say they want to wait until the end, even though they were all sleeping. At that moment the show finishes and everyone gets up, and I'm annoyed that no one listened to me.
The final part of my dream was the clearest, especially when I'd just woken up.
I'm at WorldPay, and it's my final week there. I'm talking to a girl (I think the Bolivian girl) about wiki pages. She says
"Who will write the wiki pages when you're gone?"
I said that I wrote the wiki page, and I wrote the tool that the page is about. I said all of the software is written by half of the test team, and the other devs just do bug fixes.
We are walking outside now because it's the end of the day, and it is sunny outside. I realise that I've worked a full day by accident, when I'm only supposed to be working half days. This means that instead of having 4 half days left I only have 3.
I'm talking to Carlos as we walk, and I tell him about an interesting tapa that I've had in a restaurant (in England). It was half of a fried pear with crispy bacon on top. He says
"I've never heard of that before, it must be from somewhere in AndalucĂa."