ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
3256 09/12/16 00:48 to 09/12/16 08:39 7:50 I slept well
3255 09/12/16 00:20 to 09/12/16 00:48 0:28 I didn't sleep at all
3254 08/12/16 08:35 to 08/12/16 09:05 0:30 I slept well

My arsehole neighbour only had half an hour of noise to make (and just had to get it out of the way while I was still trying to sleep). After he finished I went back to sleep for a bit.

3253 08/12/16 00:52 to 08/12/16 08:06 7:14 I slept well

My arsehole neighbour managed to hold off banging on the wall until just after 8:00am. What a guy!

3252 07/12/16 01:02 to 07/12/16 07:30 6:28 I slept well

My arsehole neighbour thinks that 7:30am is a good time to start hammering on the other side of the party wall.

3251 06/12/16 00:44 to 06/12/16 08:36 7:52 I slept well
3250 05/12/16 00:27 to 05/12/16 08:31 8:03 I slept well
3249 04/12/16 01:23 to 04/12/16 08:48 7:24 I slept well
3248 04/12/16 00:46 to 04/12/16 01:23 0:37 I didn't sleep at all
3247 03/12/16 00:24 to 03/12/16 09:23 8:58 I slept well
3246 02/12/16 02:25 to 02/12/16 08:18 5:52 I slept well
3245 02/12/16 01:38 to 02/12/16 02:25 0:46 I didn't sleep at all
3244 01/12/16 00:42 to 01/12/16 08:32 7:50 I slept well
3243 30/11/16 00:15 to 30/11/16 08:46 8:30 I slept well
3242 29/11/16 00:51 to 29/11/16 08:30 7:38 I slept well
3241 28/11/16 01:55 to 28/11/16 08:39 6:43 I slept well
3240 28/11/16 01:02 to 28/11/16 01:55 0:52 I didn't sleep at all
3239 27/11/16 01:54 to 27/11/16 09:13 7:18 I slept well
3238 26/11/16 02:18 to 26/11/16 08:58 6:40 I slept well
3237 25/11/16 00:54 to 25/11/16 09:00 8:05 I slept well