Sunday 06 September 2015 01:11 to 09:32
(8:21 hours)
I had several dreams last night, but upon waking I could only remember the details of one of them.

Me and Yu Lee are in Spain with my dad and Sue, sitting outside around a table. The weather is nice with a clear blue sky, and the sun is already getting low in the sky.
We're sitting around talking, when all of a sudden I hear a noise, like a jet engine. I can tell that it's really loud but really far away.
My dad says "Watch this, I've seen this loads of times and it's really good," and points towards a spot on the horizon. I look where he's pointing and notice a rocket rising up above the hills and trees in the distance.
The rocket is enormous and red, and as it rises I notice that there were 5 or 7 small white objects attached to it. (I know it was an odd number as one of them was in the centre of the rocket with an equal number of the other white objects on either side.)
The rocket flies straight upwards for a while, and then all of a sudden the white objects detach from it and fly off. I suddenly realise that they are small white vehicles, like miniature versions of the space shuttle.
"They're doing a test flight. Normally they launch these massive satellites into space," my dad explains to me.
The next thing that happens has me in awe. The rocket slows its ascent, and then starts to descend slowly towards the ground. It doesn't turn it's engines off but merely reduces the throttle, and maybe 10 seconds later land back in the same spot that it took off from.
I think I've been reading a little bit too much about SpaceX!
The dream felt very surreal, and I was completely captivated by the rocket.