Sunday 15 February 2015 00:31 to 05:57
(5:25 hours)
Last night I fell asleep quickly and woke from a disturbing dream at about 3:00am. I got back to sleep again and woke up again at 5:30am from another dream.
I could have probably gotten up at that point but instead I cuddled up to Yu Lee and went back to sleep. The next thing I remember is the alarm going off and trying to untangle myself from Yu Lee so that I could turn it off.
I sat there for about 10 minutes thinking about my dreams before getting dressed.

This dream was creepy!
It's night time and me and Yu Lee are alone at home. I hear some weird noises over and over again in the garden so I go out to investigate.
I walk down to the end of the garden and shine me torch and there is a pretty big rabbit sitting at the end of the garden. I shine my torch right on it and I can see that its eyes are swollen and bleeding which is typical of rabbits that have myxomatosis (I used to see rabbits with this disease all of the time when I worked at the science park).
Wild rabbits with myxomatosis are blind or nearly blind, and normally if they've had the disease for a long time they become really dopey, like they've given up and lack the energy to do anything. When you approach them they will often just sit there, or slowly hobble away from you. Initially the rabbit in my dream acted just like this and didn't react like a healthy rabbit.
I stood there for a few seconds looking at the poor rabbit and feeling sorry for it. Then the rabbit started to get agitated and made a noise that I can only describe as screaming. It was not the kind of noise you would expect from a rabbit.
The rabbit ran past me towards the house. I realised that the rabbit was massive, more like the size of a dog than a rabbit. I picked up a stick to try and chase it off and approached it again, waving the stick at it. Every time I tried to scare it off it ended up moving closer towards the house until eventually I had it cornered.
I was trying to scare it away and leaving an obvious escape route but the rabbit was just huddling in the corner and making the screaming noise. Every now and then it would start to run away from me and end up kind of running on the spot as it was running face first into the wall of the house. I was banging my stick on the decking now and was aware that I was making a lot of noise, especially considering how late it was.
Eventually I scared the rabbit off and it ran between my legs and off into the night.
I went back inside the house and we settled down to do whatever it was that we were doing, and suddenly I heard a repeated banging sound. Yu Lee asked what the noise was and I realised it was the rabbit.
I don't know why but the idea of the rabbit banging on the walls of my house filled me with dread. I knew I had to go outside and get rid of it somehow, and I was disgusted at the weird, diseased rabbit that kept on roaring at me in the garden. Even writing this now is sending shivers down my spine.
The feelings overwhelmed me and I woke up with my heart racing.

On the Run
This dream was epic! When I woke up from this dream I remembered it in great detail, and it was one of those dreams that seemed to have a complicated and well thought out story. Now that I've been back to sleep for another half hour and then gotten dressed and come downstairs some of the details are a little bit hazy.
I'd done something. I don't know what it was but I know that it was illegal, we'd made a shit-load of money, we'd pissed off some dangerous people and that we weren't the bad guys in the story.
To give you an example of what it could have been, it might have been something like a gang of criminals were doing a drug deal, and some how we got hold of the drugs and sold them so that we received all of the money and they didn't. It would have meant that we had a massive amount of cash, we had to run from the police, we had to run from the gang and we hadn't really done anything terrible (as the drugs would have been made and sold either way).
I'm not sure what exactly happened, but at the start of the story we were running from both the police and a gang of nasty murdering scum-bags and had a huge amount of bank notes rolled up into a big bundle in the boot of our car. I'm not sure who I was with but there were three of us in total.
Our Adventure
At the start of the dream everything seemed quite light-hearted. We had just gotten hold of a massive amount of money but not yet realised the implications of our actions. We were celebrating but realised straight away that we had to escape.
We were all in a car, and I guess in the early part of the story we realised that we couldn't just go home and relax, so we had loads of stuff in the boot of our car to last us for our trip. We must have been home to get all of our stuff.
We drove from place to place, spending a night in lots of different towns along the way. I was definitely the sensible one in our group, and every time that we stopped somewhere one of the others would say something to someone or do something that would give us away and we'd have to move on before we got caught.
After this continued for a while things started to become a little bit more sinister. We had the radio on and would listen to the news, and each time that we moved away from somewhere we would hear how the vicious gang that we were hiding from had been to our last location and killed or tortured someone, either because they thought they were us or wanted to get information about our whereabouts.
We'd been on the road for a long time now and were running low on supplies. It wasn't so easy to spend the money we'd acquired and keep a low profile at the same time, and we were having avoid being seen in public.
Stocking Up
We knew we had to stop and get some supplies, so we decided to make our next stop count as it was high risk. We found a place where we could get hold of a new vehicle, and had access to a massive supermarket at the same time.
We split into two groups, and I don't remember who did what exactly. Someone went to buy us a new, bigger vehicle, while the others went to the supermarket and bought a lot of food. The guys from the supermarket were finished first so they had to put all of the shopping in the boot of our old car.
The vehicle we'd managed to acquire was a massive American-style RV (basically a big caravan that could drive itself without needing to be towed). We had everything we needed, but the supplied were in our old car and we needed to transfer them across. The problem was that the gang had turned up, and we didn't want to be spotted transferring from one vehicle to the other as we didn't want them to know we were driving an RV.
We found a secluded area in the car park with lots of bushes and trees, and moved the car there first to see if we'd be spotted. It seemed that we hadn't so we moved the RV next to the car and transferred all of our stuff into a large luggage area in the back of the RV.
I remember opening the boot of the car and there was white powder everywhere. One of the group had kept one of the bags of drugs from the start and it had split open and cocaine powder was covering everything. While we were moving things from one vehicle to the other we also had to clean up and dispose of the drugs.
The whole thing was nerve racking because we needed to not be spotted, and if we'd have had to escape half way through unloaded we'd have had to make another supply stop which would be risky.
I don't remember what it was, but we had a large item that we'd bought that we really needed, which turned out to be faulty. I said it was OK, we'd just return it to the shop so we drove the RV back towards the shop. I got out and opened the boot. I remember looking inside and there were bags of shopping, bags of our personal belongings and a massive bundle of ten and twenty pound notes, probably with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of cash rolled up into a massive bundle.
I grabbed the item that I needed to return and was just about to head towards the shop when a man in a suit approached me. He told me he was the manager of the shop and asked if there was a problem, and I told him that I needed to return the item. He said instead of going back into the shop I could go with him into his office (which was right next to us) and we could process the refund there. I had a feeling that he was onto us but didn't really have a reason to not do it.
For some reason, he told me that I needed £30 in cash to process the refund. I would have to give him the item and the £30, he would refund all of my money and get me a replacement item, then at the end I would get my £30 back and the new item. It made sense at the time, but I think there was a bit of dream logic going on there.
With the manager standing right next to me I opened the boot and tried to stand in front of the big roll of cash so that he wouldn't see it. I carefully unravelled a ten and twenty pound note and then hid the roll of cash underneath some of our bags. I walked with the manager to his office while my friends waited in the car and we processed the refund.
I'm pretty sure that the manager thought we were part of the gang that was chasing us, but somehow while we were processing the transaction he realised that we weren't. I'm not sure if it was something we'd said or if it was because he'd heard of the real gang turning up, but he suddenly worked it out and started to rush what he was doing so that we could get out of there quickly. He'd gone from trying to be awkward to trying to help us.
Once I'd exchanged my item I walked back to the RV and breathed a big sigh of relief. We'd done it, and now we could get out of there. Just as I approached our vehicle, about 5 - 10 police cars entered the car park and surrounded us. I looked back at the manager and I knew what had happened. His face was full of regret and he clearly didn't mean for us to get caught and was just trying to stop the gang.
A police man approached me and arrested me. We'd been framed for all of the gang's crimes and there was a lot of evidence against us.
The dream ended and I woke up.