This dream was creepy!
It's night time and me and Yu Lee are alone at home. I hear some weird noises over and over again in the garden so I go out to investigate.
I walk down to the end of the garden and shine me torch and there is a pretty big rabbit sitting at the end of the garden. I shine my torch right on it and I can see that its eyes are swollen and bleeding which is typical of rabbits that have myxomatosis (I used to see rabbits with this disease all of the time when I worked at the science park).
Wild rabbits with myxomatosis are blind or nearly blind, and normally if they've had the disease for a long time they become really dopey, like they've given up and lack the energy to do anything. When you approach them they will often just sit there, or slowly hobble away from you. Initially the rabbit in my dream acted just like this and didn't react like a healthy rabbit.
I stood there for a few seconds looking at the poor rabbit and feeling sorry for it. Then the rabbit started to get agitated and made a noise that I can only describe as screaming. It was not the kind of noise you would expect from a rabbit.
The rabbit ran past me towards the house. I realised that the rabbit was massive, more like the size of a dog than a rabbit. I picked up a stick to try and chase it off and approached it again, waving the stick at it. Every time I tried to scare it off it ended up moving closer towards the house until eventually I had it cornered.
I was trying to scare it away and leaving an obvious escape route but the rabbit was just huddling in the corner and making the screaming noise. Every now and then it would start to run away from me and end up kind of running on the spot as it was running face first into the wall of the house. I was banging my stick on the decking now and was aware that I was making a lot of noise, especially considering how late it was.
Eventually I scared the rabbit off and it ran between my legs and off into the night.
I went back inside the house and we settled down to do whatever it was that we were doing, and suddenly I heard a repeated banging sound. Yu Lee asked what the noise was and I realised it was the rabbit.
I don't know why but the idea of the rabbit banging on the walls of my house filled me with dread. I knew I had to go outside and get rid of it somehow, and I was disgusted at the weird, diseased rabbit that kept on roaring at me in the garden. Even writing this now is sending shivers down my spine.
The feelings overwhelmed me and I woke up with my heart racing.