Saturday 17 January 2015 01:41 to 06:57
(5:16 hours)
Last night I fell asleep relatively quickly, but I definitely woke up briefly some time between 2am and 3am. I got back to sleep quickly enough until I woke up naturally from a dream about 3 minutes before my alarm was due to go off.
I closed my eyes again for a while, and when I opened them again there was 1 minute remaining, so I got out of bed just before the alarm went off.

A Dying Christmas Guest
This dream had a really odd theme: it was about spending Christmas with a woman who was terminally ill.
We were staying at Ai Seng's house for Christmas. There were a lot of people there, as Zen and Shaolin were both staying there (I assume with their respective partners) in addition to me and Yu Lee, and we also had a terminally ill woman and her three children staying with us too.
The dying woman was relatively young, probably in her thirties. She was slim and had short blonde hair, and although her face had been aged somewhat by her illness, she was still attractive. She had twins who must have been 1 - 2 years old, and a little girl who was a couple of years older.
I don't remember many events from the dream (and to be honest it felt like we spent most of the dream sitting around and not doing much), but it was definitely Christmas day, and having the dying woman with us removed the feeling of Christmas from the atmosphere.
There were a lot of people staying at the house, and fitting everyone in was obviously a problem. Me and Yu Lee were staying in a room that definitely doesn't exist at Ai Seng's house in real life. I'm not sure what the room was normally used for as it had all of the furniture you would expect in a bedroom, but it was attached to the kitchen. I remember saying at one point that it was convenient having the fridge so close to my bed.
I'm not sure where everyone else was staying, but there was a bed in each of the bathrooms. It really felt like there were people and their belongings everywhere!
One of the first scenes I remember was that we were all sitting in some kind of living room. The dying lady started to break down from her illness, and obviously thought she was going to die. She said "Nice meeting all of you," but a while later seemed to have recovered.
Another part of the dream that I remember was needed to use the toilet. I went into the downstairs bathroom, and there was a bed and lots of stuff in there. I closed the door and locked it, pulled down my jeans and was just sitting down when there was a knock on the door.
"Steve, we need to come in and get something. Is that OK?"
I pulled up my trousers and opened the door and Shaolin came in and started sorting through the items in the bathroom. On my way out I heard her lock the door and put the seat down on the toilet, and I felt pretty annoyed that she had kicked me out of the bathroom and then used it herself. A little while later I brought it up when we were all together again and she said "Well, I was desperate," and I said "So was I."
The last part of the dream that I remember was going somewhere with the dying woman and her children. She wanted to go for a walk, so I'd offered to go with her, and now we were outside somewhere.
There were no buildings around, and the scenery was like something you'd expect to find in a national park. I don't remember there being much vegetation around us, and we were walking along a rocky surface with a pool of water nearby.
We stopped walking and started talking. The lady was telling me about how her daughter had been really ill recently, "ever since we'd been to that rock."
I asked her "What rock?"
"We were out for the day in Cardiff, well actually in Middlesbrough, and we were hiking when we came up to a big flat rock," the lady explained. "After the children had been playing on it for a while, we realised that it was covered in a thick layer of dust. A while later [the girl] got sick, and when she recovered from one thing she got ill again with another. Eventually we realised it was the dust causing it and went back to the rock to investigate.
"When we got back to the rock, we started to move some of the dust out of the way and found all sorts of rubbish underneath. There was a lot of household waste, but also dead mice and cats and things like that."
Just as she'd finished speaking, her little girl toppled over head first into the pool of water in front of her. The mum instinctively grabbed her out, and the little kid just stood there and said innocently, "I didn't even notice."
After that I woke up naturally.
Throughout the dream I remember thinking that I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask the lady about her illness, but I didn't think she'd want to talk about it. She seemed very accepting of her fate. I felt like I'd feel angry if I were in her position, but she seemed calm.