Sleep Log

Tuesday 22 October 2013 23:18 to 05:00

(5:41 hours)

Last night we ate out for my birthday, and when we got back it was about 10:30pm and I was pretty tired. We went to bed after 11pm and I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up from a dream at 4:20am.

I went back to sleep and woke up to my alarm at 5:00am. 3 hours until my driving test!

House Sitting
dream Dream: Wednesday 23 October 2013 04:20

House Sitting

Tags: Bob Yu Lee

I dreamt that I was staying at one of my Spanish friends' house while she was out, so that I could make sure she didn't get burgled. She told me to help myself to anything I wanted.

Yu Lee and my brother were there with me, and there was a fruit machine type of thing in her house. My brother found a box with some change in it and he spent it all in the fruit machine, and won loads of change (mainly 1 and 2 pence pieces) back and put it back in the box.

When my friend got back she told him that she didn't want all of the change.