Saturday 07 September 2013 12:44 to 15:45
(3:01 hours)
Today is Saturday which means I don't need to set an alarm for my afternoon nap - and look what happens! I slept for 3 hours solid and had a deep, dream filled nap.

Chinese Hotel
I dreamt that I was in China on a work trip, and Yu Lee was with me. I can't really remember what work related stuff I did but I remember being in a hotel.
We had stayed in the hotel over night and when we went to pay the bill in the morning the girl tried to charge us about 4 times the expected price. I argued with her (her English was good but her accent was terrible) and eventually we realised that it was because we checked in on a Thursday, and when we checked in we said we were going to stay until Monday, but we were checking out on Friday so we only wanted to pay for 1 night. She agreed to this and everything was fine after that.
It seemed to make a lot of sense at the time but now it seems like bollocks!