Mike's House
The first part of my dream takes place in some kind of building, like a school or an office. All of the people there are from my school, but we are adults. There are a series of activities that we have to do, each one in a different location, like a different room or outside.
For the first few activities we'd broken up into groups and sat with our friends each time, but on arriving at the last activity the lady in charge told us not to sit in the same groups each time, so we all sat together in one big group. I don't remember anything about the actual activities we were doing though.
The second part of my dream takes place at Mike's house.
We arrive outside his house, and the first task is to get inside. As I come up to the front door, there is a weird tiled staircase / ramp leading up to his front door. The trouble is that the steps start at about chest height, and everything below chest height is a tiled slope with a very steep gradient, probably around 65 degrees! The tiles are polished and very smooth, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to climb them.
In my dream, I can remember doing this as a kid. I would put my foot on the tiled slope and launch myself up it, and the treads on my shoes would somehow have enough traction for me to push up onto the steps. I remember thinking that although the tiles were smooth and glossy, that my shoes could get some grip on the gaps in between them.
Anyway, back in the current day (in my dream) I look at the weird slope and feel that I don't have the confidence to launch myself up it, so I ask Mike if there is another way up. He points to the space next to the slope, and there is an old looking tiled staircase that reaches half way up to the level of the door, but he tells me they haven't used it in years and that it might not work.
I start to climb the staircase, but in doing so it becomes clear that the concrete underneath the tiles is no longer there, and I slowly begin to sink downwards as the tiles give way under my weight. I pretty much just stand there and sink slowly into the ground, until in the end I'm in a pit which is as deep as I am tall.
I can't remember how I get out of the pit but I remember it is a bit of an ordeal.
After that I compose myself and am feeling nervous for some reason. He gives me something to stand on, and I go back down in the pit, and this time somehow manage to reach his front door.
Upon entering his house I notice how nicely decorated everything is, which isn't exactly the way I remember his house in real life! He tells me to poke my head around the kitchen door and say hello to his dad, so I do this. His dad is sitting in the kitchen and is much younger that in real life. I say "do you remember me?" and he replies "Of course I do, Steve."
We chat for a minute and I go back into the living room, and he calls after me "if you want some crisps I'm afraid you'll have to help yourself."
The other main thing I remember is Mike showing me some music he's composed using Fruity Loops. He shows me his songs and we talk a bit about how he made them. He tells me that he set up a microphone controller so that he can blow into the mic to do pitch bends. I tell him that I used to do a simple version of this with my music, and that as I was only doing dance music, I used to set it to bend the pitch upwards when I blew into the microphone, as upwards pitch bends are commonly used to do fills in dance music. (This is all complete bollocks and I never did this in real life.)