Friday Afternoon at Work
I'm at work. I don't think it's exactly WorldPay, but based on some of the things I'm talking about it definitely has aspects of WorldPay.
It's Friday afternoon and no one feels like working, so we're just kind of hanging out. There are a group of us sitting around talking, and although I don't remember the whole conversation, I do remember talking about how stupid it is that everyone is just hanging out and not doing work, but we have to stay here and can't just go home. I definitely mention that it's not like that when you work for yourself, although in the dream I clearly haven't left my job yet which seems a little bit inconsistent.
At some point the conversation changes and we talk about speaking Spanish. I was talking about what I do when I don't know a word, and how I can get by either by describing it in a bit of a long winded way, or just by saying the English word. I also talk about how Atta and Kedar do the same when they are talking Hindi/Urdu, how sometimes you hear them suddenly slip in an English word, even though they are both native speakers.
Two of the people I am talking to get up and walk away. I'm not sure if they're a couple, but there seems to be something going on between them and I leave them to it. I want to go with them but I don't want them to feel like I'm following them around. The remaining member of the group starts to sing gently but I'm not listening because I'm deep in thought.
Suddenly I snap out of it and mentally process what he was singing:
Déjala pasar
Corriente vital
Somos luces que se cruzan y se quitan no se dan
"Ah you know Ojos de Brujo?" I say excitedly (literally "Eyes of the Sorcerer"; a Spanish band).
The next thing I remember is leaving work to come home. My work is in the city centre, and the journey home is definitely not a typical journey home through Cambridge! The streets seem to be a bit more dodgy with lots of people hanging around.
It's just starting to get dark when I leave, and I decide to walk back home 'the Histon Road way', which makes very little sense if I live the same place as real life as there isn't really a logical route here via Histon Road. The first area I walk through seems to be an area with lots of Indian and Pakistani people around, which is odd because Cambridge doesn't really have areas with lots of one ethnic group. It seems a lot more like Slough where I grew up.
The people in the street are all wearing woolly hats, and I remember thinking that it's silly because it's the middle of summer and it's really hot! As I quickly walk through this area, the people are often standing in my way and not keen to move and let me past. I feel a little bit intimidated as there are a lot of people everywhere, hanging around, and I feel like an outsider. I remember thinking "I'm not coming home this way again!"
The next area I come to seems a bit like a high street, with a wide open pedestrianised area and lots of shops. I'm approaching a pub that I think is a bit dodgy, but I can't think of the name of it. In my head I'm saying "I know it's not called this, but I keep wanting to call it 'The Good Companion'." I'm pretty sure that was the name of a pub in Slough too.
When I walk past the pub, there is a little stall in the middle of the street (which is pedestrianised) which sells newspapers. The stall is closed and a homeless man is laying on the floor, leaning against the stall. As I get closer I realise he has a dog with him which is asleep, and he's drinking beer out of a plastic cup. Again I think to myself that I'll avoid this route home in future because it's not very nice!