I was with Rob Hendy from university and we were walking down the street. We were having a really silly conversation and Rob said something about "putting sellotape over his bum-hole". I said "when you pull it off it would pull all of the hairs out," and at that moment someone walking the other way obviously overheard what I'd said and looked at me.
The guy who was looking at me seemed strangely familiar, and it took me a couple of seconds to work out who it was but then I realised it was James from university, but he'd cut all of his hair off. He started walking with us, and at first we were all chatting, but then somehow me and James started wrestling in the street. It got more and more violent until he was picking me up and throwing me on the floor.
At the end of the dream we were still wrestling, but we'd moved on quite a lot further than the start of the dream. When I looked up I realised we were fighting in the Golden Hind car park, and I remember thinking that people would probably think we were drunk.