Green Hats
I am at work sitting at my desk and I look over behind me and some people are stood around Craig's desk. I get up and go over to talk to them when I realise that Craig is stood up and about to speak.
Craig starts a speech about it being his birthday. For some reason he seems to be really nervous. He explains that as it's his birthday he has brought in some green Russian style hats for everyone. I am right at the front of the crowd so I hold out my hand to accept my hat, but he purposefully ignores me and starts handing the hats out to everyone else until there are no more left. At this point I realise that he said he was giving out a hat to each of the testers which is why I didn't get one.
I ask Chris if I can look at his hat and he says yes, so I take it off his head and look at it.
Shortly after this someone says that these hats are multifunctional and also double up as lifts (elevators) and we decide to go and test them out. We walk into another part of the building (a part that doesn't exist in real life) and sure enough there are some lifts there. I get in one and go up but it doesn't line up properly with the rest of the floor. Someone says "What do you expect? They are just cheap hats!"