Wild Dogs
I'm not really sure where this dream took place or what everyone was doing, but there were quite a few people around and it seemed to be some kind of social event. We were all outside, and at one end of the venue was what looked like a brick built shed. Inside the shed was a massive column, and a large doorway into a larger building.
When I stepped inside the shed, I saw that Chris Barnett (someone I knew at school) was there, standing outside the doorway. I started a conversation with him and he told me that he works inside the big building, but today the office is closed so he is standing outside.
While we were talking more people came in and started talking to him. From that point on, every time I asked him something, someone would interrupt and change the topic of conversation. This continued for quite a while.
At some point quite a while later, I left the building and did something. On my way back to the shed, while I was walking up the garden, I suddenly heard a noise and looked around to see some dogs running up the path at me. They were black and looked a lot like rottweilers, and there were two small (relatively speaking) ones and a large one. The small ones were slightly smaller than a normal dog, and I knew they were puppies, and the larger one was pretty big and a bit of a monster!
The dogs ran at me, and when they got near me the two puppies didn't seem to know what to do with me and circled me, but the big one charged at me and rammed me with its head. I was starting to get scared and knew I couldn't out run them, and I was worried that they were going to bite me.
The big dog ended up behind me and was ramming the back of my legs with its head, and I'm not quite sure how it happened but in the end I let it push my legs out from under me and sat on it! It was really angry and pushing forward, and I was almost riding it like a horse. I remember thinking that it was a really strong animal, and my full weight being on it didn't seem to bother it at all.
I'm not really sure what happened next, but somehow I ended up off of the dog and there was a little distance between us, so I ran into the shed and got there just before the dogs and slammed the door shut behind me. One of the others was helping me barricade the shed door whilst I explained that I'd been attacked by some wild dogs in the garden.
After a few minutes prowling around outside the shed, the dogs lost interest and moved on.
I don't remember a lot more of the dream. The only thing I remember is that I had a wound on my arm with a dressing on it, and for some reason the others were making me re-dress it because I'd been attacked by the dogs. I was protesting because the dogs didn't go anywhere near the wound, but they made me do it anyway.