Italian Lady
I remember a lot of vague fragments of this dream.
- Yu Lee and I weren't living together, but apart from that our situation was still the same.
- I'm sure I spoke to Yu Lee at some point in the dream, either in person or on the phone.
- I remember getting a phone call from Carlos and talking to him for a while, and then the sound quality got really bad and I had to hang up.
- I remember driving to a car park. I think someone was giving me directions, and I ended up parking in Homebase's car park which was completely empty because it was the evening.
- I remember going into work (WorldPay?) and someone said "Someone's been drinking haven't they?" I felt a bit offended because I'd only had half a bottle of beer and was still in a fit state to drive.
The part of my dream that I remember most clearly was (as usual) at the end of my dream. I was living in a house share with 2 or 3 other people, and one of them was an Italian lady who was teaching me Italian. She wasn't anybody I knew from real life, but the way she acted was similar to my Italian teacher, although she looked nothing like her and was a bit overweight.
It was evening, and I'd just arrived back at home. The Italian lady was in the corner of the hallway and had just hung up the telephone. I had a question so I approached her and tried to explain it in Italian, but I didn't know all of the words. I tried to guess how to say whatever it was by adapting the Spanish words to Italian pronunciation (a trick that works pretty well in reality!) but I'd obviously not got it quite right, and she stopped me half way through speaking to correct me.
Before she'd finished correcting me she stopped mid-sentence, came in close to me and said in a half-whisper "Whatever happens between you and me is our secret. You don't have to worry that I'll tell anyone."
As she said it a series of images flashed through my mind of what she was implying, and then I thought of Yu Lee and thought that it was definitely not something I wanted to pursue.