ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
4758 15/12/18 16:28 to 15/12/18 16:56 0:28 I didn't sleep at all
4757 15/12/18 02:30 to 15/12/18 08:47 6:17 I slept well
4756 15/12/18 01:31 to 15/12/18 02:29 0:58 I didn't sleep at all
4755 14/12/18 09:19 to 14/12/18 09:34 0:15 I slept well
4754 14/12/18 01:02 to 14/12/18 08:58 7:55 I slept well
4753 13/12/18 23:58 to 14/12/18 01:02 1:03 I didn't sleep at all
4752 13/12/18 15:34 to 13/12/18 15:54 0:20 I didn't sleep at all
4751 13/12/18 12:00 to 13/12/18 12:39 0:39 I didn't sleep at all
4750 13/12/18 09:55 to 13/12/18 10:35 0:40 I slept well

When they left for the day I went back to sleep yet again, only this time to be woken by my neighbour asking me to witness him signing a form for his house sale.

4749 13/12/18 09:15 to 13/12/18 09:30 0:15 I slept well

I slept for another 15 minutes while they had breakfast, then they woke me up again.

4748 13/12/18 08:00 to 13/12/18 09:00 1:00 I slept well

I woke up feeling ill and spent some time in the bathroom before crawling back to sleep on the sofa. Yu Lee and Link came in and woke me up at 9:00am.

4747 13/12/18 02:19 to 13/12/18 07:10 4:50 I slept well
4746 13/12/18 01:50 to 13/12/18 02:19 0:29 I didn't sleep at all
4745 12/12/18 23:43 to 13/12/18 00:25 0:42 I didn't sleep at all
4744 12/12/18 13:38 to 12/12/18 15:20 1:41 I slept a little bit
4742 12/12/18 00:16 to 12/12/18 07:00 6:44 I slept well
4743 11/12/18 23:46 to 12/12/18 00:15 0:29 I didn't sleep at all
4740 11/12/18 12:57 to 11/12/18 13:54 0:56 I didn't sleep at all
4739 11/12/18 02:13 to 11/12/18 07:39 5:25 I slept well
4738 11/12/18 00:20 to 11/12/18 00:45 0:25 I didn't sleep at all