School, Work, Cinema, Humza
I am at work, but there are a lot of elements from school here. In my dream I know that I am going out with Yu Lee, but for some reason I am searching for more female friends. I have decided that I want to go to the cinema with a girl but I am finding it difficult to ask them because I don't have the confidence to ask a random girl to the cinema.
Somehow I arrange to go to a film with a girl, and before the film starts I want to get a beer and a burger. I got into a fast food shop and ask how much it is for a beer and a burger, and they tell me that it is £7.49. I order one and they start to make the burger, but then I change my mind and say that it is too expensive and ask how much it is for just the burger. They say it would be £55 and that they had to put the prices up for burgers without beer. I say that there is no way I'm paying £55 for a burger and the guy is clearly annoyed as has already made it, but I stand my ground and complain about how they can't force people to buy a beer with their burger if they don't want to.
When I come back outside, the girl is gone already so I start to look around for her. At this point Jon (my manager) arrives even though he is supposed to be having the day off. I tell him that I am on my lunch break as I want to go to the cinema and he can't believe that I'm taking my lunch break at 9:00am to see a movie.
At this point several things are going through my head. I am worried that Jon might think that I told him I was taking an early lunch just because he came in, and that I was just going to try to get away with spending the whole day at the cinema instead of working. I also think about how my lunch break will be over by 10:00am and then the afternoon will be 6 hours long with no break, and that time will drag on for ages. In the end I give in and decide to take a normal lunch break and not see the film.
In the last part of the dream I am walking through a corridor when a group of people walk in from outside. There are some security guards, Jeremy H (from Jagex) and Humza Quereshi (my real life arch nemesis from when I was at school!). For some reason security are taking Humza into a cubicle / office.
Jeremy turns to me and says something like "Go easy on him, he's your friend" and Humza is asking me for help. I say "He's not my friend, he's a prick" and he objects.
The security guards start to interview Humza: "What is the impediment?" I feel that he has done something serious.
Humza starts to ramble on, saying confusing things that don't directly answer their questions. He is being filmed and his face is on a monitor, and as he speaks, after a second or so a transcript of what he's saying appears on the screen as subtitles.