Sleep Log
Wednesday 12 September 2012 01:02 to 05:32
(4:30 hours)
I'm pretty sure it took me at least 20 minutes to fall asleep for my core last night: I think I rolled over and saw the clock say 1:20. It wasn't frustrating like not falling asleep for a nap though and I felt relaxed.
Last night was a bit of a breakthrough as I felt really good and alert right up to about 15 minutes before my nap. I think this is what this pattern is supposed to feel like!
When I woke up I was dreaming again. This time I actually remember a very small fragment of the dream. All I remember is something about turning a car around in a car park.
I felt slightly groggy for about 5 minutes after waking.

Turning Around
I only remember a very small fragment of the dream. All I remember is something about turning a car around in a car park.