Sunday 28 May 2017 03:51 to 04:51
(1:00 hours)
I slept a little bit
After recording 40 minutes of trying to sleep, I laid a wake for quite a while longer. I started to drift in and out of sleep, and eventually had a spontaneous lucid dream.

Lucid Dream with Yu Lee
Lucid Dream (L3)I was drifting in and out of sleep for a while, when I opened my eyes and looked around, and realised that the room I was in was not the same room that I was trying to get to sleep in. I think it took me a while to realise what was happening, but eventually I clocked on to the fact that it was a dream and became lucid.
I don't remember much of what happened, but there was one thing that was unusual about this lucid dream that I've never experienced before. Once I became lucid, I went (in the dream) to the bedroom where Yu Lee was sleeping and grabbed her by the hand and lead her back into the room I started in. We flew out of the window with me leading her by the hand. As we flew I noticed how real her hand felt, and I pulled her in close and embraced her and was amazed at how I could feel every part of her body against mine, just as if it were real life.
The whole experience must only have lasted a couple of minutes before I lost control and drifted into a normal sleep.