Wednesday 02 January 2013 23:55 to 04:13
(4:18 hours)
Within 5 minutes of resetting my sleep I must have fallen asleep!
I woke up naturally not long after 4am, and rested in bed until about 4:30. Does this mean that I have caught up on all of my missing sleep?
I'm going to wait and see how I feel after today's nap before I consider my sleeping pattern back to normal.

I didn't remember this dream upon waking, but a fragment of it came back to me shortly after getting up.
I dreamt that we saw Zen and he said he had a job cleaning up vomit from norovirus sufferers. It sounded like he worked in a large building, possibly the university and would get called out whenever someone vomited to clean it up and limit the spread of the infection. He told me that some people were "sick" as in "sick in the head" and would purposefully go to place to vomit where lots of people were likely to come into contact with it. He said a very common place for them to be sick was in doorways inside the building so that people would have to walk through it and possible become infected.