Monday 24 December 2012 12:54 to 14:34
(1:39 hours)
It took a little while to fall asleep, I would guess around 10 minutes. I thought I wouldn't sleep but clearly I did.
I woke up naturally from a dream. In my dream I had accidentally took a sip of human sewage, and was desperately trying to wash my mouth out without swallowing any of it, and spitting into a sink. When I woke up my head was hanging over the side of the bed and I was practically gargling with my own saliva!
The dream seemed like a very long and complicated dream, and it felt like I had been asleep for hours. I tried to remember my dream by working backwards but could only remember the end.

Planes and Boats and Drinking Sewage!
This was a long and complicated dream of which I only remember a small section. The theme of the dream was travel.
The events before this are a blur, but I feel like I am completing the last leg of a complicated journey. I am either at the end, or halfway through a holiday.
My plane is coming in to land at Lanzarote (I think, definitely one of the Canary Islands) and we are informed that there is something wrong with the plane. For some reason the plane will be having a bumpy landing, and I think it must be to do with the undercarriage. In order to have a smooth landing we must land on a floating runway, as the water will act as a shock absorber. For this reason we are transferring to ??? airport, which is halfway between Tenerife and some place (which is on the coast of Africa), as there is a ship near to the airport that we can land on.
As we approach the ship we can clearly see what is happening. I can see it directly and don't appear to be looking out of a small aeroplane window. It feels like a cut scene from a video game.
The ship is tall and quite big, and is in a small artificial body of water. It looks like it is in a flooded quarry.
As we get there the weather is awful and very windy, and something strange happens to the ship. It does a half flip and comes back to vertical, then does a loop the loop in the opposite direction and lands on its side: the plane flies over the ship and it has been reduced to rubble.
It's announced that the plane will land at the airport instead due to the problems with the ship. Jon Lister (my manager) says something like
"This is just great. We would have been better off landing at Lanzarote, and we only diverted to land on the ship."
He says this with a big grin, clasping his hands together. He continues
"Don't you thing it's funny how this all happened because of ???" and says that the cause was the first minor that happened. He then continues to summarise the whole dream, but I don't remember what he said.
The next thing I know I am in the cabin. I'm not sure if it is supposed to be in the plane or some kind of ship. The furniture is cheap looking, and there is a sink with a brown plastic mixer tap.
I am thirsty so I grab a glass of water off of a low shelf. My mouth is immediately filled with a strong metallic taste. I suddenly have a flashback to an earlier part of the dream, where I used the glass to catch drips from a leaking soil pipe. I thought at the time "should I label this?" but then I thought "No: nobody would be stupid enough to drink sewage!"
I look at the glass with the water still in my mouth and it is cloudy and brown. I run over to the sink and spit it out and run the tap, filling my mouth with water and spitting into the sink, trying desperately not to swallow anything.
First I turn on the hot tap by mistake and the water tasted almost as bad as the sewage. I turn on the cold tap and continue rinsing out my mouth, and retching and half vomiting the whole time. The dream fades...
At this point I wake up with my head hanging over the side of my bed, gargling my saliva! I had a slight metallic taste in my mouth from sleeping with my mouth open, and felt like I had been asleep for hours even though it was only a 90 minute nap!
I tried to work backwards through the dream but couldn't remember everything, even though the entire dream was summarised by a dream character right near the end! How frustrating!