Sunday 10 April 2016 00:39 to 08:49
(8:09 hours)
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Police Report in Italy
In my dream, me and Yu Lee are in Italy. Yu Lee has some kind of "assignment" (which felt a lot like homework from school) to file a police report, but her level of Italian isn't good enough to do it so I offer to help.
We both walk into the police station and all of the police officers are dressed really smartly. Some of them say hello to me, but I can't remember how to say "hello" in Italian so I just kind of wave at them. We make our way to the front desk and the guy behind the desk starts talking to us.
Is still can't remember how to say hello, and am worried about seeming impolite, so I stand there with a puzzled look on my face. Yu Lee looks at me as if to say "now what?" and I try hard to remember how to say hello. In the end I tell her to say "Come es?" which is a mixture of bad Italian and bad Spanish! The guy seems to understand and starts talking to her. I translate back and forth for a while, and although slow I think I get it right.