Thursday 10 March 2016 00:22 to 05:00
(4:38 hours)
(no comment)

Tell Me to Fuck Off
In my dream, I'm back in Slough, near where I used to live. I'm just leaving school and Yu Lee is with me.
We walk back through Baylis Park, and out through an alleyway towards my house. As we're approaching my road Yu Lee suddenly realises that she's lost her glasses. I ask how she managed that and she says that they were in a case in her pocket and she must have dropped them.
We start retracing our steps back towards the school, and we split up to look on opposite sides of the road. Yu Lee is walking faster than me and ends up quite a way ahead of me.
As I'm walking back through the alleyway, into the park, a guy who was hanging around there when we first walked past approaches me. She looks scruffy and a bit beaten up, and he approaches me and says "Tell me to fuck off." Thinking I haven't heard him properly I ask him to repeat himself and he repeats it "Tell me to fuck off."
At this point I can see that this guy wants to start a fight so I try to diffuse the situation by saying "Nah, you're alright. Why would I say that?"
I think this continued for a little while before I woke up.