Wednesday 12 December 2012 16:31 to 18:36
(2:05 hours)
Towards the end of work I started to feel tired, but I was feeling a bit more awake by the time I got home. I was hungry so I had a tiny bowl of cornflakes, which turned out to be a bad idea! When I went to bed I laid there for 10 minutes picking the bits out of my teeth before reseting the timer.
I woke up when Yu Lee came in at 5:40, and I heard her coming up the stairs, but I easily (and accidentally) fell back to sleep. I had a vivid dream about having an alternate reality that I could get to through a wardrobe in my house, and woke up naturally after the dream.
Afterwards I felt like I could easily go back to sleep again but thought I'd probably better not and turned the light on. I called Yu Lee in and we chatted until 7:00 when I got up.

Through the Wardrobe
I had a vivid dream about having an alternate reality that I could get to through a wardrobe in my house, and woke up naturally after the dream.