Tuesday 12 May 2015 00:14 to 08:01
(7:47 hours)
(no comment)

On the Wing
I was going somewhere, probably Spain, and on my flight something weird was going to be happening. Someone was going to be taking the same flight as me, but for some reason she was going to be outside the plane on its wing.
Apparently this was something that had been done before. The girl would be strapped to the wing, and would have a large, round tarpaulin on top of her, like a flat tent strapped onto the wing. She was also going to have a couple of dogs with her.
I was talking to someone about this as I boarded the plane, and they said that it should be perfectly safe as long as she stays under the tarpaulin and doesn't lift the edges. They went on to tell me that someone had tried to do it with chickens before, but the chickens got curious and tried to crawl out from under the edge of the tarpaulin, causing the a gap in the edge. The air got under the edge and ripped it off of the plane along with the passenger and all the rest of their chickens.
A little while later we are sitting in our seats and the plane is about to take off. I'm right at the front of the plane and I have a window facing forwards, and I can see the nose of the plane emerging from the bottom of my view out the window. This is obviously nothing like a normal passenger jet!
We take off and start to fly. We are following the path of a river and still flying quite low, and there are large hills on either side of us. There's an announcement from the cockpit saying that we've taken off and are about to fly to cruising altitude.
The pilot suddenly increases the throttle and we can feel the plane accelerate, and the nose lifts slightly but we are not ascending very steeply. We're still in the valley between the hills and I can see that the tops of the hills are above the level of the plane.
As we're flying, we're approaching the mouth of the river and I can see the ocean out in front. The plane starts to turn and I start to think that I'll feel safer when we don't have these hills on either side of us.
All of sudden, something happens and the plane starts to turn very quickly, and nose starts to point down towards the water. The nose then touches the river and the plane spins very quickly, and I can suddenly see the tail of the plane outside the window, so I know that the plane has broken in half. Within seconds we have crashed into the shallow water at the foot of the hills.
After a brief pause, I realise what has happened. The first thing I think of is the girl on the wing of the plane, and when I look out of the window her tarpaulin is gone.
The next thing that crosses my mind is how softly the plane crashed into the ground. Although the plane jolted and broke in half, no-one on my side of the plane seems to be hurt and there is no fire or smoke anywhere.
I get up and start to move towards the exit, but then I decide that I'm not going anywhere without my rucksack. I walk back towards my seat and one of the cabin crew tells me to leave it, but I say that I'm not going anywhere without it and retrieve it from the overhead locker.
I definitely got off the plane, with my rucksack, but I don't remember anything else from this dream.

Me and Yu Lee are on holiday in Spain. We're outside and wandering around some kind of Spanish city.
We're talking about something, when Yu Lee makes a remark about keep hearing voices in her head. I start to get a little bit worried and tell her that it's not right to hear voices, but she reassures me that it's nothing, and says that she can't hear them say anything in particular, and that it just sounds like a lot of people talking at the same time. She also tells me that she doesn't hear them all of the time, and that it comes and goes.
I suddenly have a flashback to a conversation we had earlier. Yu Lee was telling me about her work (she must have still worked at Babraham in my dream) and said that she had to do a presentation, but she had this voice in her head telling her to get some of the other employees to do it for her. She said it was stupid because she had no choice but to do it herself, and they obviously wouldn't do her work for her.
I remind Yu Lee that she'd told me this, and she still says that it's harmless.
"Do you know what they call it when you have voices in your head Yu Lee?" I ask her getting more and more anxious.
"I know" she replies, but I interject:
I am starting to get upset now and keep on having a go at her.
"It's okay at the moment while you can't hear exactly what they're saying, but you've already had them giving you instructions, and what happens when they're constantly telling you 'You're shit, Yu Lee, you might as well just kill yourself'?"