Monday 09 March 2015 00:43 to 07:38
(6:55 hours)
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Birds, Cats, Ex-girlfriends...
I am upstairs in my bedroom, but it is not my current house. I'm pretty sure my mum is with me and we are looking out of the window.
In the distance we see a red kite swoop down at something, but then it flies back off out of site. We are talking about the red kite when all of a sudden it appears again.
This time a bird is flying past the window, less than a metre away from it, when all of a sudden the kite swoops down and grabs it in its claws. It then pecks at the bird and starts to eat it. I'm pretty sure it was hovering outside the window for a while when it was doing doing this, although I realise that's probably impossible.
Me and Mum look at each other and are both excited to have seen a kite taking another bird from so close.
There's an extension underneath the window, and the next thing we see is a cat walking along the extension towards the window. There's something wrong with the cat though, and it looks sick. It has clumps of fir missing and it's face is all messed up and weeping with puss. The cat walks into the window a couple of times and leaves loose hairs and puss all over the window before staggering off.
The next thing I remember is it being a while later and I'm walking somewhere. I walk over a bridge and suddenly I see Lauryn's dad walking in the opposite direction, and he sees me and comes over to say hello. We talk for a while and I tell him about the cat at the window, and ask his advice about how I can persuade the cat not to come near my window. He basically tells me the easiest way would be to shoot it with an air rifle, but that it might kill the cat so I might not want to do that.
I ask him how Lauryn is and he says that she's in some kind of trouble and that she needs me, and that I should go and find her. He never says exactly what's wrong but I get the feeling it is something to do with her living situation, more like she's not happy rather than being in any kind of danger.
A while later I find Lauryn in the street. She's wearing a fancy dress and looks stunning. I talk to her for a while and she gives me an awkward hug. She tells me that she's going to a party and that it's good to see me, and says we should meet up again and talk.