Tuesday 24 February 2015 00:19 to 06:26
(6:07 hours)
I was quite tired last night before we went up to bed, but when I got to bed I felt less tired. It took me a little while to fall asleep, but not long enough to record it as red on my sleep chart.
I'm pretty sure I woke up around 2:30am from a long and complex dream and thought to myself "How am I going to remember that in the morning?" I don't remember the dream now.
I got back to sleep easily and woke up naturally from another dream. I was just dozing off again when my alarm went off and I got up.

Tour Bus
We're having some kind of party on a bus. I don't remember any of the details or who actually organised it but I feel like I was involved in it somehow.
Everyone's on the tour bus when a couple of guys get up and walk into the centre of the bus to a section where a couple of rows of seats are missing. They say they're going to play a song, and if anyone else has brought their guitars they're welcome to join them. Several people get up and make their way to the middle of the bus, and when one of the people stands up their friend grabs them and pulls them back down into the seat and everyone laughs at them.
The guys all start to play and it sounds really good. I have no idea what they're plugging their guitars into but they are playing metal music and the guitars are definitely amplified. I suddenly realise that I recognise the music and that the two guys that started it must be from Vacant Stare as they're playing the first track off of their album.
At this point most people are sitting at the front of the bus and I'm the furthest back. About halfway through the song the band reposition so that they are facing sideways, and one of them keeps making eye contact with me.
When they finish their song, two other men who are playing with them look at each other and then one of them starts playing a complicated bass line on his bass guitar. The other man starts playing a riff on his guitar and they are really playing quite hard and loud. The other people with instruments all look at each other as if to say "I can't play along with that," and one by one they head back to their seats until only the two men are left playing. I feel like it has kind of ruined it and with that the original group were still playing.
Sometime while this was happening, two people had sat down in front of me, and the person on the seat directly in front of me was an attractive young woman with dark brown hair. I was tired at this point and was slouched in my chair and half asleep.
All of a sudden I feel something touch my feet (for some reason I am not wearing shoes or socks) and the girl in front of me screams and jumps out of her seat. I realise that she had put her feat under her seat and they had touched my feet which had startled her, so I try to say to her that I didn't do anything and that I was sitting like this all along, but she's already gone so I give up.
People are gradually leaving the bus now and it's starting to feel empty, like the party's over.
I'm sitting on my own, deep in thought, when suddenly I see Yu Lee and Zen walking down the aisle from the back of the bus. Zen is wearing a suit and Yu Lee is in a fancy dress and has a lot of make-up on. She also has shortish hair and has done something to it that makes it look different. When I look at her I think she looks really young.
They walk past me and talk to someone just out of site, a few seats in front of me. Yu Lee says "Thanks for everything. We're going to head in now, and I guess this is going to start being a stressful night for us." I think maybe she is talking to her sister but I'm not sure.
At that moment I suddenly realise that while I can see Yu Lee a few metres in front of me, I can also feel her sitting next to me! I have my arm around her and I can feel her head on my shoulder. I start to wonder how she can be in two places at once, but then I fade out of the dream and into reality and I really do have my arm around her and she is asleep with her head on my shoulder. I guess I'd started to wake up already and could sense my real life body whilst still being in the dream world.