Friday 06 February 2015 13:04 to 14:32
(1:28 hours)
I fell asleep quickly and woke up naturally from a dream about 10 minutes before my alarm was due to go off.

Something's Wrong
I'm pretty sure for the whole of this dream I am at my mum's house at 35 York Avenue (Slough).
Pipe Organ
This part of the dream is a little hazy. Yu Lee is showing me a video of her work (she still works at Babraham in the dream). I'm not 100% sure why she is showing me, but I think it's supposed to be funny or ironic.
In the video, Yu Lee is playing a tune on a keyboard. It looks like a piano, but as soon as she starts playing I realise that it is some kind of organ. The camera zooms out a little and I can see a load of metal pipes coming out of the top of the organ, and as the camera zooms out further and begins to rise it becomes apparent that the pipes are huge.
The camera keeps rising until it is quite high, and I can only guess that the organ is at the base of a tower. The camera rises past a platform which the pipes pass through, and on the top the pipes end in crude metal figures that look half way between scarecrows and robots. The pipes lead into the characters so that they sing when the pipes are playing.
The video ends and I comment on it, and then we are all alone in silence in my mum's house.
I'm not sure what happened exactly, but now I am upset and need my mum for something, so I call her and speak to her on the phone. It feels like some kind of crisis is happening, although I think it may all be in my head.
I speak to Mum on the phone for a while and she tells me that she'll come back home. She says that she was only staying away for a while and that if we need her she'll come back right away.
Some time passes before Mum gets home, and when she does she goes straight to the kitchen and starts doing something. I approach her and can see straight away that she's crying. I ask her what the matter is, and she says "I'm really sorry but I can't come back yet. I'm here now but I'm going to go soon. I'm just not ready to come back yet. Sorry."
We talk for a while, and I tell her that she doesn't have to come back to his particular house, that we could move somewhere else close by, but she says that she needs the house to be around the corner from her work.