Saturday 17 November 2012 00:32 to 05:57
(5:24 hours)
Last night I heard 'the noise' again for the first time in a long time. It was a very low frequency (bassy) humming noise that sounds kind of like a very large diesel engine is just idling outside somewhere.
I think I fell asleep after about 15 minutes, so it didn't affect me too much.
At 4:40am this morning I woke up from a dream. I went back to sleep and woke up at 5:30 with my alarm, but I turned it off and dozed until 6:00.

At 4:40am this morning I woke up from a dream. I dreamt that my mum and Yu Lee found a massive spider in the kitchen and put a glass on it. I lifted up one edge of the glass to slide in a piece of card and suddenly the spider was gone. I had lots of spider webs in my hair and I was trying to find the spider, and thought it was on me somewhere.