Monday 06 October 2014 23:57 to 05:42
(5:44 hours)
Last night I fell asleep pretty quickly. I woke up at about 2:00am from a dream which I no longer remember, and then slept through until about 5:40am when I woke up naturally. I dozed for a couple of minutes, and then realised the alarm was about to go off and got up.

Testifying for a Guy with a Green "Flute"
In my dream I am living in a small apartment with Yu Lee. I'm not sure about all of the details, but the apartment feels a bit like student accommodation, although I don't think we are students. It's definitely not in a normal block of apartments, and I get the impression that it is in a building where people work or do research.
My apartment is pretty small. From the corridor you come straight into the living room which has a table and four chairs, a two seater sofa and a TV. It's not a very big room and the furniture takes up most of the space.
Out the back of the living room is a tiny hallway. Immediately on the left is a tiny, narrow kitchen, and the next door leads into our bedroom. I can only assume that there is a bathroom somewhere as it never appeared in my dream.
The first thing I remember is getting a visit from a young man with blonde hair, and he tells me that I need to testify in his trial. I don't feel that I have the option of declining: it is a legal requirement that I testify.
He has a very strange musical instrument with him that he tells me is some kind of flute. (It had a funny name, and I felt that it was alien. The dream had a bit of a Star Trek feel to it at this point.) For some reason I had to listen to a recording of some music and testify at his trial that the musical instrument in the recording sounds exactly the same as his instrument.
I agree to do it (not that I felt that declining was an option) and he leaves, telling me that he will return later.
A while later, a group of people turn up at my door. They are people that I have never met before, and to be honest they look a little bit scary. They tell me that they are a surveillance team and have been sent to keep an eye on me whilst I'm involved in the trial. They tell me that they need to take a few things out of my apartment for some reason so I say OK.
While I'm dealing with the 'surveillance team' there is another knock on my door. I ask them if I can answer it and they tell me to go ahead.
This time it is someone to do with my work at the door. He is older than me (in his 40s) and has some kind of document that he needs me to read. While I'm dealing with him the door goes again and two guys are at the door that need to talk to me about something. I tell them to come in and I talk to the original guy again while the two new guys wait in the kitchen.
The door goes a third time, and this time it is the boy who's on trial, and he has brought his flute back to play it for me. I tell him to set up in my bedroom.
The door goes again, and this time it is Christina, Stefan and Alana who have come to visit, unannounced. My tiny apartment is getting a bit crowded now: there is the boy in my bedroom with his flute; two guys in the kitchen waiting for me; the guy from work in the front room with me at the kitchen table; Christina, Stefan, Alana and Yu Lee hanging around by the sofa; and the surveillance team moving in and out and removing items from the apartment.
I ask the work guy if I can go and quickly speak to the others and see what they want, as it's going to take a long time to read his paper (which, by the way, seems to be a pretty long newspaper article and nothing to do with work!).
I go into the bedroom, and the boy with the flute tells me he is ready. I was just intending to pop my head around the door and tell him that I'd be a while, but as he's ready I decide to have a quick listen. He sits there fiddling with the flute, but he still seems to have a bit of setup to do, so I wait and watch what he is doing.
This is the first time that I got a really good look at the flute. It was a large instrument, probably about a metre long, and made from green stone. The mouthpiece was a long tube that you blow into, but the end where the sound comes out was really weird, like a large stone box with a cylindrical hole in the end.
After a few minutes he starts playing it and a weak sound comes out, but I'm too distracted to really pay attention to it. Yu Lee comes to the door and asks if it's OK for her to take Stefan, Christina and Alana out to look at something related to biology and tell her "of course!" By this point I'm stressed at having so many people in the house and glad to get some of them out.
After a couple of minutes I start to get stressed at having so many people in my apartment. The boy is still not playing his flute properly and is having some kind of problem, and is also fiddling with a CD player trying to play a backing track. I tell him I need to pop outside for a breather and walk straight out the front door, leaving all of the people inside.
I leave the building and walk down the street for about five minutes. After that I turn round and start walking back. I notice a black man in a uniform standing about 100 metres away from me. As I start walking back to the building he starts walking backwards, watching me the whole time. I realise that he is there as part of the surveillance team and is keeping an eye on me.
As I get back to the apartment building I see the rest of the surveillance team leaving in a white van. One of them winds down the window and tells me that they told everyone that I'd gone and wasn't coming back today. I feel quite angry that they said that as I was just popping out to get some air.
When I get back inside the apartment it is empty. All of the people have gone, and a lot of my things are missing too, for example the speakers from either side of my TV have been taken. I suddenly feel very alone and wonder where Yu Lee and the others are.
I remember one more part of my dream, but not where it fit in exactly. I remember walking down a corridor with the guy in his 40s, and I'm not sure how the conversation got onto it but he told me that he plays League of Legends. I asked what champion he likes to play and he said that he plays Nidalee. I asked him if he plays top lane and he said that he does.
Then he went on to tell me that he doesn't understand how to play mid lane and doesn't know what champions can be played in the mid lane and I told him that you could play Veigar.
The other thing I remember is that when I saw that my speakers were missing, I though "Oh no, now we can't watch LCS with the good speakers!"