Monday 25 August 2014 23:11 to 07:10
(7:58 hours)
Last night it took me a little while to fall asleep, but once I was asleep I slept for a long time and had quite a few dreams in the night.
I woke up around 4:00am, and then again at 6:50am. I remember thinking that the alarm was going to go off soon, so I'll just wait for it, but then I fell asleep and had another dream.

Vegetable Garden
I dreamt the we were at a stately home with a massive walled garden with fruit and vegetables growing in it. We were doing some kind of activity which involved reading clues, and then trying to find the things that were growing in the garden.
One of the clues was to find where the black cherries were growing. We searched long and hard for them but couldn't find them, so Yu Lee decided to look it up on her phone. It turned out that the owner of the estate knew the actor that did the voice-over for Howl in Howl's Moving Castle, and that his mum was growing the cherries at another location.
This was the last thing that I remember happening before I woke up.

Engine Transfer
Yu Lee's dad was moving an engine from one car to another. To make life easier, he'd sawn the engine in half so that it could be lifted in two parts.
I moved the engine over, one half at a time, and as I moved part of it some of the wires hanging out of it made contact and an electric motor inside started spinning. I remember wondering how this was possible as it wasn't connected to a battery.
When I'd put the engine in the other car, someone was explaining to me how the blue wire was the 'bank account wire', and that it was used to charge someone's bank account automatically.