Thursday 31 July 2014 23:30 to 06:56
(7:25 hours)
I felt really tired last night, and fell asleep very quickly. This morning I woke up briefly between 5:00am and 6:00am, but then I fell back to sleep and woke up at 7:00am.
I don't think yesterday's nap did a lot of good.

Me and Yu Lee are living in what appears to be a rented house. In the corner of the front room is a small coffee table with some equipment on it: it looks like a wooden box and some kind of computer screen. It's in two pieces and has been there since we moved in, and we have been instructed not to touch it. The open part of the wooden box and the screen are both facing the wall.
It's starting to annoy us having this piece of junk in the corner of the room, so in the end I decide it's time to move it. I turn it around an look at it, and somehow I realise that this is the control panel from a nuclear reactor, or from an atomic bomb, and I realise that it's probably radioactive.
I search for some information about it on the internet, but my search results are inconclusive, so I download a Geiger Counter app onto my phone to try to test it for radioactivity. The app seems to work and gives a reading of 450 radions (whatever that means). I ask Yu Lee if that is a lot of radiation and she says not to worry about it, but I am convinced that I am going to get cancer from coming into contact with it!