Wednesday 16 July 2014 23:29 to 06:00
(6:30 hours)
Last night I was pretty tired, but I didn't fall asleep instantly. It was so hot that I slept on top of the covers, and didn't once feel the need to pull them on top of me.
I woke up around 4:00am and thought "nearly time to get up," but went back to sleep and woke up again sometime around 5:00am. I was going to get up, but at that moment Yu Lee cuddled up to me and the next thing I knew it was 6:00am and Yu Lee had got up to go to the bathroom. This woke me up and I got up.

Wood Grilled Burgers
Me and Yu Lee are in a really big park somewhere, having a barbecue. We've cooked most of the food we'd brought with us and all we have left are two beef burgers, and I say to her that I really wanted to try cooking burgers over a wood fire, so Yu Lee says we should go and find a wood fire!
I look on a map of the park, and there is a camp fire symbol on it, so we head off looking for it. After quite a long walk we get close to the spot where the fire is supposed to be and I say "It should be just up ahead".
As we approach the spot, I can hear people, and then I catch sight of them in the exact spot on the map where the camp fire symbol is. There is a large circular structure, like a grey metal frame on legs, that comes up to about waist height, and there are about six to eight people inside it. As we get closer I realise that it is a giant barbecue with all of the grills going round in a circle, with the people cooking the food in the middle.
I approach one of the people cooking the food, and I ask them if he can cook our burgers for us, because he is cooking over wood and we want to taste wood-cooked burgers, and he says ok, so we put our burgers on the grill. A few moments later everyone moves the grill grates around (with the food on them), so that the grill with our burger moves onto the next person in the circle. I realise that the different people have different jobs, and we'd given ours to the guy who starts things off, and the next person is the one who will finish the cooking.
I step around to watch our burgers being cooked, and tell the man that we made the burgers ourselves out of proper steak, and that we would like them cooked medium rare. The man pulls out a large metal wok and puts it on the grill, and transfers our burgers to it to finish them off. "So much for cooking them over the open fire," I think to myself, but then I think "at least he started them over the wood."
After a couple of minutes the burgers are done and the man hands them to us. He cuts my one in half and shows it to me, saying that the meat is not cooked all of the way through, like I'd asked for it. I look at the burger and it is black all of the way through, but it seems to have the texture of raw meat.
This is the last thing I remember.