Friday 11 July 2014 23:49 to 05:44
(5:54 hours)
Last night it look me a few minutes to fall asleep, but not too long considering how much I slept yesterday.
This morning I looked at the clock quite a few times: around 3:00am, 4:00am, 4:30am, 5:00am and 5:25am. Then I dozed for about 20 minutes before getting up.
I actually feel like I spent a little too long dozing this morning.

Butter Cream
Yu Lee is going to cook something, and the recipe asks for butter cream. Unfortunately we don't have any, so I do a quick Google search and find out that instead of using butter cream, you can make something very similar by mixing butter and mild cheddar.
I go into the kitchen and melt some butter, then I cut some mild cheddar into cubes and mix it into the butter. For some reason the mixture goes a light brown colour and solidifies, and doesn't look like butter cream at all.
Yu Lee gets frustrated, and we decide to go out instead and head into town.
We arrive in Cambridge city centre and I'm carrying a small baking tray with the 'butter cream' that I've made. We walk around a bit looking for a restaurant, and then Yu Lee suggests that we head out of the city centre and explore some new places that we've never been to before.
We walk past a restaurant with a man standing outside (I think he worked there and was trying to get customers to come in) so I approach him and say "Would you like some butter cream?" The man reaches out and breaks off half of the mixture in my baking tray and puts it on the stone windowsill of the restaurant. Then he picks it up and it has dirt on it and starts to brush it off. For some reason this makes Yu Lee angry and she asks me why he's making such a big deal of brushing off the dirt.
We carry on walking, and end up in a new part of town which I've never seen before. We walk down a little side alley which leads down hill, and at the bottom is a hotel which is in a very old building. I think I see somewhere that we can cut through onto the next street, but the gap between the buildings is actually only a couple of centimetres wide.
I notice the bins outside the hotel, and decide it is time to throw my 'butter cream' away. Before I do it I break a piece off and try it, and it tastes like a rich, half cooked pastry. I think I must have put too much flour in it, and then dump it in the bin.
Yu Lee goes inside the hotel and I follow, and when I get inside I see her disappear upstairs. I get to the top of the stairs and can't see where she's gone, but then I notice the toilets are there and think that she must have gone into the toilets.
While I wait for her I look around. The building is very old, and is the kind of building where all of the floors are angled and everything is wonky. At the top of the stairs there is a round table with four chairs under a low, slanted roof with a window, and to the left is a landing with doors to the toilets and some of the rooms. I remember thinking that this must have been built as a very nice house, but now it is a hotel. I wondered how the floors could have sloped so much without the building just falling to pieces.
Yu Lee comes out of the toilets and we head outside and continue walking. We come to a park and walk through it, and two homeless people approach Yu Lee. One of them starts asking her for money, and while she is distracted, the other one puts his hand on the small of her back and starts walking, pushing her with him towards some bushes.
Yu Lee is starting to look scared and I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I quicken my pace to try and keep up with the guy that's marching her away. "What are you doing?" I ask him.
"Fixing her," he replies.
"You'll have to fix me first!" I say to him as I start to get an adrenaline rush.
This is the last thing that happens before I wake up with my heart pounding.